SWL13 Marine Mammal Watch
This dataset contains upper trophic data from DBO regions 1-5 during the Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2013 (SWL 2013) Cruise. The data consists of marine mammal watch, sea ice cover, sea...- dataset Excel
SWL14 Marine Mammal Watch
This dataset contains upper trophic data from DBO regions 1-5 during the Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2014 (SWL 2014) Cruise. The data consists of marine mammal watch, sea ice cover, sea...- dataset Excel
USCGC Healy HLY-04-02 Ship Log - Weather Information [USCG]
This data set contains the weather logs taken aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-04-02 cruise. The logs are in Excel format.- dataset Excel
HLY-04-03 Weather Logs [USCG]
This data set contains the weather logs taken aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-04-03 cruise. The logs are in Excel format.- dataset Excel
SWL15 Marine Mammal Watch
Marine mammal observations were recorded along-track from the northern Bering Sea (175.21 W, 62.01 N) northward to Barrow Canyon at the boundary of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas...- dataset Excel
SWL11 Marine Mammal Watch
This dataset contains marine upper trophic data from DBO regions 1-5 during the Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2011 cruise. The data consist of marine mammal watch, sea ice cover, sea...- dataset Excel