CMORPH Daily Precipitation Data
This data set contains 0.25 degree resolution daily global CMORPH precipitation data during DYNAMO (August 2011 through March 2012). CMORPH is the CPC Morphing technique which...- dataset Archive
Arctic Infrared Satellite Composite Imagery
This dataset contains infrared (~11.0 microns) Arctic satellite composite imagery. The Arctic composites were made every three hours (synoptic hour) creating a total of eight...- dataset Archive
CMORPH 3-Hourly Precipitation Data
This data set contains 0.25 degree resolution 3-hourly global CMORPH precipitation data during DYNAMO (August 2011 through March 2012). CMORPH is the CPC Morphing technique...- dataset Archive
Arctic Water Vapor Channel Satellite Composite Imagery
This dataset contains water vapor (~6.7 microns) Arctic satellite composite imagery. The Arctic composites are made every three hours (synoptic hour) creating a total of eight...- dataset Archive
Arctic Longwave Infrared Satellite Composite Imagery
This dataset contains longwave infrared (~12.0 microns) Arctic satellite composite imagery. The Arctic composites are made every three hours (synoptic hour) creating a total of...- dataset Archive
Permanent open surface water areas in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federa...
This dataset consists of annual maps of permanent water body detections for the period January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009. These maps were produced to identify water surfaces...- dataset Archive
STAR MODIS Satellite Visible Data
The MODIS instrument operated on both the Terra and Aqua spacecraft during STAR. The viewing swath width was 2,330 km and viewed the entire surface of the Earth every one to...- dataset Archive
Arctic Shortwave Infrared Satellite Composite Imagery
This dataset contains shortwave infrared (~3.8 microns) Arctic satellite composite imagery. The Arctic composites are made every three hours (synoptic hour) creating a total of...- dataset Archive
Aqua MODIS Data
This data set contains the 1 km resolution data from the NASA Aqua satellite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument during the ORCAS (The O2/N2 Ratio...- dataset Archive
AQUA MODIS Level 1B 1km Radiance Data
This data set contains the NASA AQUA satellite Level 1B calibrated and geolocated radiances at aperature for all 36 MODIS spectral bands at 1km resolution. These data are in...- dataset Archive
Detection of change in surface water areas and in their geographic distributi...
The major aim of this effort is to demonstrate the utility of integration of the remotely sensed imagery data, acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer...- dataset Archive
Arctic Visible Band Satellite Composite Imagery
This dataset contains visible (~0.65 microns) Arctic satellite composite imagery. The Arctic visible composites are created every hour for a total of 24 images per day. Most...- dataset Archive