Council Climate Data - Forest Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the forest area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
FP3 Millersville University Flux Tower Data
This data set contains one minute resolution flux data obtained by the Millersville University 10 m flux tower located at the PECAN Fixed PISA 3 site in Ellis, Kansas. The data...- dataset Excel
Council Climate Data - Site 2 Tundra (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data in Excel format from site 2 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the tundra site.- dataset Excel
NCAR ACOM Manitou MANITOU2009 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the MANITOU2009 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...- dataset Archive ASCII Excel
Council Climate Data - Shrub Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the shrub site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Council Climate Data - Heath Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the Heath Site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
STAR Automatic Surface Weather Stations
A small mesonet of 10 automatic weather stations, within a 100 km radius of Iqaluit were installed at the end of September 2007 . The weather stations were positioned over...- dataset Excel PDF
Council Climate Data - Tundra Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the tundra site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Council Climate Data - Site 8 Burned Tundra (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data in Excel format from site 8 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the burned tundra site.- dataset Excel
Mexican UNAM R/V El Puma Meteorological and Navigational Parameters
This dataset contains atmospheric measurements and data obtained during a cruise of the Research Vessel (R/V) El Puma - UNAM. in the Eastern Pacific. The measurements were part...- dataset Excel ASCII
Council Climate Data - Shallow Lake Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the shallow lake site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Happy Valley: CO2, H2O and Heat Flux Data (Excel) [Oechel, W.]
This data set contains eddy correlation data including CO2, H20, and Heat Flux at the Happy Valley Site in Alaska, 1994. The data is in excel format. For more information,...- dataset Excel
Kansas Ground Water Management District #5 Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the Kansas Ground Water Management District (GWMD) #5 Network. The GWMD #5 network includes 10 stations...- dataset Excel
Council Climate Data - Burned Tundra Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the burned tundra area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Climate Data - MAT Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the MAT site near Ivotuk gathered during the 1998 summer field season. Surface energy and trace gas exchange measurements were made at...- dataset Excel
NOAA P-3 Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Data - Standard Tape F...
The BAMEX Aircraft: NOAA P-3 Navigation, State and Microphysics dataset in NOAA/AOC Standard Tape format is one of several datasets archived by the National Center for...- dataset Excel Binary PDF
Ivotuk Climate Data - Shrub Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the Shrub site near Ivotuk gathered during the 1998 summer field season. Surface energy and trace gas exchange measurements were made at...- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Climate Data - MNT Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the MNT site near Ivotuk gathered during the 1998 summer field season. Surface energy and trace gas exchange measurements were made at...- dataset Excel
Council Climate Data - Site 6 Low Shrub (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data in Excel format from site 6 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the lowshrub site.- dataset Excel
Seoul Trace Element and Meteorological Data
This data was collected at the Kun Ja (NE) district of Seoul, Korea during the ACE-Asia program. The excel file contains two sheets: one with PM2.5 measurements, and the other...- dataset Excel