ARM Infrared Temperature (IRT)
This data set contains 60 second resolution surface infrared temperature from 10 and 25 m downward looking pyrometer. In addition the 25 m data includes upwelling longwave and...- dataset NetCDF
HIAPER Atmospheric Radiation Package (HARP) Spectrally Resolved Irradiance Data
This dataset contains irradiance data taken aboard the NCAR G-V as a part of HIAPER Atmospheric Radiation Package (HARP) during the TORERO project.- dataset NetCDF
NSF/NCAR C130 Radar, Lidar and Radiometer Integrated Dataset
This data set consists of Integrated Data of remotely-sensed cloud variables from cloud radar, lidar and millimeter-wave radiometer taken aboard the NCAR C-130 during the VOCALS...- dataset NetCDF
Greenland snow albedo from MODIS Terra and Aqua, 2000-2010, adjusted for sola...
This dataset contains the original (unadjusted) and adjusted Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) albedo datasets for Greenland. These data are monthly averages...- dataset NetCDF
ETL Radar-based Cloud Microphysics Retrievals [Shupe, M., and T. Uttal]
Cloud microphysical properties are derived from retrieval techniques that combine ground-based radar and radiometer measurements from the SHEBA ice camp. Retrieved parameters...- dataset Archive NetCDF