Eighty Member Ensemble of 1.0° POP and CICE restart files on the CESM gx1v7 ...
The restart files are from Who Kimâs g210.G_JRA.v14 experiment. This experiment was run with repeating ânormal-yearâ atmospheric forcing from the JRA-55 reanalysis. Since...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Southern Ocean Air-Sea Carbon Fluxes from Aircraft Observations: Modeling Dat...
The Southern Ocean plays an important role in determining atmospheric CO2, yet estimates of air-sea CO2 flux for the region diverge widely. We constrain Southern Ocean air-sea...- dataset ASCII Archive
Datasets used in "Large Eddy Simulation for Investigating Coupled Forest Cano...
Model archived fields used in the generation of the figures in: Clifton, O. E., E. G. Patton, S. Wang, M. Barth, J. Orlando, R. H. Schwantes (2022), Large Eddy Simulation for...- dataset PDF ASCII
Mass-Conserving Downscaling of Climate Model Precipitation over Mountainous T...
Contains the parameters/set-up for a VIC model run along with the input and post-processed output from the model along with a python notebook to recreate the figures in the GRL...- dataset OTHER ASCII NetCDF
THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CLM5
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CTSM52
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
Buoyancy in Deep Convection Simulations
The dataset contains some of the data from numerical simulations investigating deep convection dynamics, the impact of in-cloud supersaturations on convective updraft strength...- dataset ASCII Binary
Dataset to reproduce the figures and table in "An Outsized Role for the Labra...
Climate models are essential tools for investigating intrinsic North Atlantic variability related to variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), but...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
CONUS air quality reanalysis dataset (2005-2018)
This 14 year hourly air quality reanalysis dataset is generated through daily assimilation of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Single-point CLM simulations with hillslope hydrology at Niwot Ridge, CO
In this study, we ran ecosystem-scale Community Land Model (CLM) simulations with a novel hillslope hydrology configuration to represent topographically heterogeneous alpine...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Simulation data of the DECK, CMIP6 historical, and PMIP4 LGM simulations usin...
This dataset contains the more frequently-used variables from the DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima), the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6...- dataset HDF ASCII
CESM/CAM-chem-SE (MUSICAv0) Data for 2013 Aircraft Evaluation
A new configuration of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)/Community Atmosphere Model with full chemistry (CAM-chem) supporting the capability of horizontal mesh refinement...- dataset ASCII NetCDF