Oil Industry Chemical Characterization Data
This data set was collected as part of the Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program (CSESP), a multi-year, interdisciplinary ecological study focused on areas in outer...- dataset Archive
PacMARS Surface Sediment Parameters (1970-2012)
This dataset contains summary measurements of surface sediment collected at each station for the identified cruise, with parameters (sediment grain size: <=0 phi, 1 phi, 2...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
HLY-04-03 NCAR EOl Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 25 August 2004 at the end of the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Summer Cruise. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-03 field catalog and...- dataset Archive
Buoy, IOEB Air, Ice and Biogeochemical Data [Krishfield, R.]
As part of the SHEBA buoy array, a Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) Ice-Ocean Environmental Buoy (IOEB) was deployed on September 30, 1997 from the Des...- dataset Archive
HLY-04-02 NCAR EOL Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 22 June 2004 at the end of the SBI Spring Cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-02 field catalog...- dataset Archive
Paleoenvironment, Geomorphic Processes, and Carbon Stocks of Drained Thaw-lak...
These data are from a study of the origin and associated geomorphological, ecological, and pedological processes of thaw-lake basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. The...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- Soil Ecology Data
This data set includes the Barrow Area Remote Sensing Soil Ecology Data. This includes the following parameters: soil electrical conductivity, soil oxidation reduction...- dataset Archive