Monthly Northern Hemisphere 5-Degree Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from A...
This dataset contains a time-series collection of monthly mean gridded Northern Hemisphere tropospheric data on a 5-degree latitude/longitude grid. This collection was assembled...- dataset Binary
Daily 5-Degree Northern Hemisphere Time Series Tropospheric Analyses, continu...
The polar-stereographic grids in ds195.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds195.0/] were interpolated to create this dataset of 5-degree Northern Hemisphere latitude/longitude...- dataset Binary
Kuwait Oil Fires Archive, 1991
This is data extracted from various NCEP observed and analyzed datasets and then put in our RPTOUT format to support the Kuwait Oil Fires studies.- dataset Binary ASCII
CDROMs of Northern Hemisphere Gridded Analyses, 1946-1994Dec
Version III CDROMs include twice daily analyses from 1946 through December 1994. Selected daily grids (not on CDROMs) of 1995-2009 are now available as of 2010JAN28.- dataset Binary
NMC Global Daily Stratospheric Analyses from TOVS
These global analyses were prepared daily at 12Z to support NMC's monitoring of temperature trends in the stratosphere. The analysis system used satellite temperatures from the...- dataset Binary
CAC Global Tropospheric and Stratospheric Analyses
The Climate Analysis Center (CAC) of the U.S. National Meteorological Center (NMC) produced gridded analyses of temperature and wind in the atmosphere by combining the...- dataset Binary
NCEP Daily Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses for 1973 January to 1997...
This dataset contains twice daily gridded Northern Hemisphere analyses from NCEP's operational model on 47-by-51 and 65-by-65 polar-stereographic grids centered on the North...- dataset Binary
NMC Tropical Analyses, daily 1968-1985
Analyses since January 1983 were merely interpolated by NMC from the Global Analyses in DS082.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds082.0/]- dataset Binary
Daily Northern Hemisphere Forecast Grids, Sporadically Between November 1967 ...
This dataset contains various daily NMC forecast grids on a 47 by 51 Northern Hemisphere polar-stereographic grid centered on the North Pole. Grids on various tropospheric...- dataset Binary
Monthly Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses
The DSS assembled this long time-series collection of monthly gridded Northern Hemispheric data from the output of various operational models. Monthly mean grids are available...- dataset Binary
NMC B3 Northern Hemisphere Vertical Motion Analyses for October 1958 to Decem...
This dataset contains various gridded Northern Hemisphere tropospheric analyses and 6-hour forecasts produced by NMC's operational model for the period October 1958 to December...- dataset Binary
NMC 47 by 51 Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Analyses, daily 1964-1980
This dataset of daily gridded analyzed geopotential height and temperature for the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere covers the period from January 1946 to December 1980. The 47...- dataset Binary
Daily Northern Hemisphere Time Series Tropospheric Analyses
This dataset contains a time-series collection of daily gridded Northern Hemisphere tropospheric data on a 47-by-51 polar-stereographic grid. These grids have been assembled by...- dataset Binary
NMC B3 Operational Model 47 by 51 Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses, ...
This dataset contains daily gridded Northern Hemisphere analyses from NMC's operational model on a 47 by 51 polar-stereographic grid centered on the North Pole. Available...- dataset Binary
NMC B3 Daily Northern Hemisphere Analyses for 1963 August to 1972 December
NMC operationally produced these daily gridded Northern Hemisphere analyses of various tropospheric levels for the period August 1963 to December 1972. Parameters include...- dataset Binary