ICOADS Input Data Sources
This dataset contains auxiliary, preliminary, and other datasets that are in preparation to be included in a future ICOADS release. Data are provided either in IMMA1 or native...- dataset Binary ASCII
TDL U.S. and Canada Surface Hourly Observations
Hourly airways data over US, Canada for about 2000 stations. There are also some observations for Mexico and most Central American countries.- dataset ASCII
Bunker Climate Atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean
The basic version of this North Atlantic dataset was created by Andrew Bunker of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He analyzed observations from the ship reports of the...- dataset ASCII
Global Tropical Cyclone "Best Track" Position and Intensity Data
Time series of tropical cyclone "best track" position and intensity data are provided for all ocean basins where tropical cyclones occur. Position and intensity data are...- dataset ASCII
Wave Data Observations from Canadian Buoys
Data from Canadian buoys through November 1998, data from two NOAA buoys now operated by Canada, and data from three Canadian waverider buoys.- dataset ASCII
Tropical Pacific Ocean 20-Year Surface Heat Budget
Monthly and annual means of various heat budget terms were derived for the tropical Pacific Ocean for a period of 20 years between 1957 and 1976, inclusive, from about five...- dataset ASCII
Climatological Mean Global Wind Stress and Curl, by Harrison et al.
A monthly mean climatological wind stress was derived from the National Climate Center Tape Deck Family - 11 (TDF-11) ocean observations. The dataset was derived in 1989 using...- dataset ASCII
Tropical Marine Climatic Atlas, by Sadler
Monthly Climatology based on 1900-1979 COADS 2 by 2 degree monthly summary data, and in the case of surface pressure the NCAR 5 by 5 long term climatology.- dataset ASCII
Global Ocean Wind Stress, climatology, by Hellerman et al.
This is a 12 month wind stress climatology derived from ocean surface wind observations, 1870-1976.- dataset ASCII
Global Ocean Wind Stress, climatology and monthly, by Trenberth et al.
The ECMWF analyses for 1980-1989 were used to derive a global year-month wind stress climatology. Several climate monthly mean grids were also formed. Wind component grids are...- dataset ASCII
Ship Observations from the JMA Kobe Collection
Ship logbook data digitized from the Kobe collection, by programs sponsored by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), and the Nippon Foundation.- dataset Binary ASCII
FSU COAPS Research Vessel Data
The Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies (COAPS [http://coaps.fsu.edu/]) through their Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center (RVSMDC []) collect, quality...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Monthly and Climatological Tropical Pacific Wind Stress
Five million international ship observations of the Pacific trade winds are presented in monthly summaries. For each month in the period from 1947 to 1973, a 10-degree latitude...- dataset ASCII
Global Ocean Heat Flux and Wind Stress
The Climatic Research Institute at Oregon State University compiled these climatologies of ocean heat balance and wind stress for the global oceans. The input data was from the...- dataset ASCII
Atlas of Surface Marine Data, climatology and monthly, by Da Silva and Young
COADS observations (1945-1993) were used to derive climatologies and year-month anomalies for the basic observed variables and heat flux components. The data are analyzed to...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Canada Summary of Day, 1890-1979
First version of set. Combined with ds516.1 [], a later version, to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
Western Arctic Ice Drift and Expedition Ship Stations
Western Arctic ice drifting stations, AIDJEX, ARLIS I, ARLIS II, Ice Station Alpha, Ice Station Charlie, T-3 (called Ice Station Bravo during IGY), and ships Maud and Fram...- dataset ASCII
Pacific Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Analyses
Tropical Pacific Ocean monthly grids and climatology of SST and wind.- dataset Binary ASCII
Ocean Station Vessel Observations
Surface observations, some XBT profiles, and some subsurface station data from permanent observing ocean ships. Earliest data is 1945 and latest data is 1991. Added in June 2006...- dataset Binary ASCII
Ship data digitized in China, GODAR project
As part of the GODAR (Global Ocean Data Archeology and Rescue) surface marine ship data were digitized in China. The data were received from NCDC on CDROM.- dataset ASCII