R/V Roger Revelle CTD Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the data from the R/V Revelle CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth) casts from its cruises in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF...- dataset NetCDF
R/V Roger Revelle Seaglider Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the oceanographic data from the R/V Roger Revelle Seaglider that was deployed during its cruises in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF...- dataset NetCDF
R/V Roger Revelle Chameleon Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the data from the R/V Roger Revelle Chameleon microstructure profiler from its cruises in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
DYNAMO Sub-Surface Mooring Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the oceanographic data from the three DYNAMO sub-surface moorings that was located in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
R/V Mirai CTD Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the data from the R/V Mirai CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) casts during its cruise in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
R/V Mirai XCTD Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the data from the R/V Mirai XCTD (Expendable Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth) casts in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
R/V Mirai Microscale Profiler (TurboMAP) Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the data from the R/V Mirai TurboMAP (Turbulence Ocean Microstructure Acquisition Profiler) during its cruise in the Indian Ocean for DYNAMO. The data are...- dataset NetCDF
R/V Mirai Biogeochemistry Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the biogeochemistry data from the R/V Mirai CTD casts during its cruise in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF