Stratospheric chlorine processing after the unprecedented Hunga Tonga eruption
Following the Hunga TongaâHunga Haâapai (HTHH) eruption in January 2022, a significant reduction in stratospheric hydrochloric acid (HCl) was observed in the Southern...- dataset NetCDF Archive
Southern Ocean Air-Sea Carbon Fluxes from Aircraft Observations: Modeling Dat...
The Southern Ocean plays an important role in determining atmospheric CO2, yet estimates of air-sea CO2 flux for the region diverge widely. We constrain Southern Ocean air-sea...- dataset ASCII Archive
CESM2 single forcing large ensemble description paper
This dataset contains processed data from the CESM2 single forcing large ensemble as well as some CESM2 emissions files that are necessary for reproducing the figures in Simpson...- dataset Archive
WHOI WACCM large ensemble
This is a subset of data for a 30 member ensemble of CESM1-WACCM simulations from 1979-2014 that was created by researchers at WHOI in collaboration with NCAR researchers.- dataset Archive
Data for "Improvements in wintertime surface temperature variability in the C...
This dataset contains all the postprocessed data required to reproduce the figures in the publication Simpson et al (2022) "Improvements in wintertime surface temperature...- dataset Archive