MP2 UAH MIPS Ceilometer Data
This data set contains backscatter profiles and cloud data from the ceilometer that was on-board the PECAN Mobile PISA 2 University of Alabama-Huntsville MIPS vehicle. The...- dataset ASCII Image
NCAR/EOL ISS Ceilometer Data (ISS3 York Airport Site)
This dataset contains Ceilometer data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the York, NE airport during the GRAINEX field campaign. This dataset...- dataset NetCDF ASCII Image
NOAA ETL LIDAR DABUL System FINAL 10-min Avg Far-parallel Channel Intensity (...
NOAA ETL deployed the Depolarization and Backscatter - Unattended LIDAR (DABUL) aboard the SHEBA ship. Images are FINAL 10-minute averaged far-parallel channel intensity (1...- dataset Image
M2HATS ISS Surface Meteorology, Ceilometer, PurpleAir and Webcam Data Products
Surface Meteorology, Vaisala CL61 Ceilometer, PurpleAir aerosol data products and webcam imagary collected during the Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity horizontal array...- dataset NetCDF ASCII Image
FP2 UMBC Ceilometer Data (Version 2)
This data set contains the backscatter profiles and cloud base height observations from the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Vaisala CL31 Ceilometer located on the...- dataset NetCDF Image
CLAMPS2 Doppler Lidar Vertical Stare Data
Twenty-four hour periods of data collected from the CLAMPS2 Halo Streamline XR+ Doppler lidar are contained in these files. While not conducting other scans, the lidar directs...- dataset NetCDF Image
DLR Falcon H20 DIAL Imagery
This dataset includes H20 DIAL Imagery of measurements taken from the Falcon aircraft during the IHOP_2002 project. The dataset includes Atmospheric Backscatter plots and Water...- dataset ASCII Image
Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS) Ceilometer Images
This dataset contains Lidar Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS) Ceilometer images from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.- dataset Image
SUNY Albany Ceilometer Data - Gaviota Site
CT12K ceilometer data reports aerosol backscatter intensity and cloud base, up to 12000 feet, collected at the Gaviota Site by the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) at...- dataset ASCII Image
NCAR REAL Lidar Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset contains png images from the NCAR REAL Lidar Imagery dataset. The dataset is from the TREX period from 20060314 to 20060501 and contains both RHI and PPI images....- dataset Image
Scanning Aerosol Backscatter Lidar - png images
This dataset contains SABL (Scanning Aerosol Backscatter Lidar) images obtained aboard the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the Mexico: Megacities Impact on Regional and Global...- dataset Image
S-Pol Site UMBC Ceilometer (Version 2)
This data set contains the backscatter profiles and cloud base height observations from the UMBC Vaisala CL31 Ceilometer that was located at the S-Pol radar site to the...- dataset NetCDF Image
NSF/NCAR C-130 SABL Green Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset contains the SABL green imagery from the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft collected during the MILAGRO field project.- dataset Image
NOAA/ATDD Belle Mina, Alabama Doppler Lidar Vertical Wind, Backscatter and Cl...
This data set contains vertical wind and backscatter profiles as well as cloud base height data from the Leosphere WINDCUBE 100s Doppler Lidar that NOAA/ATDD deployed at Belle...- dataset NetCDF Image
NRC Convair 580 AECL Lidar Data
AECL (Airborne Elastic Cloud Lidar) data from two AECL instruments onboard the NRC Convair 580 during the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment) field campaign based...- dataset NetCDF Image
NRL P-3 CNRS Leandre II Imagery
This dataset contains CNRS Leandre II imagery from data recorded during P-3 flights. The images are at 15-20 minute intervals. Each interval contains a backscattering or raw...- dataset Image
MP1 OU/NSSL CLAMPS Doppler Lidar Vertical Velocity Data
This data set contains vertical stare vertical velocity data at one second intervals from the Doppler Lidar that was aboard the PECAN Mobile PISA 1 OU/NSSL CLAMPS vehicle that...- dataset NetCDF Image
DLR Falcon DIAL Quicklook Imagery
This data set contains backscatter and water vapor mass mixing ratio quicklook imagery from the DLR Falcon water vapor Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) during flights for...- dataset Image
NSSL Mobile Lidar Truck Single Lidar Vertical Stare Data
Vertical stare observations from the NSSL mobile lidar truck that participated in the Targeted Observations using Radars and UAS in Supercells - Left-flank Intensive Experiment...- dataset NetCDF Image
Dodge City UMBC Ceilometer (Version 2)
This data set contains the backscatter profiles and cloud base height observations from the UMBC Vaisala CL31 Ceilometer that was located at the Dodge City, Kansas National...- dataset NetCDF Image