NCEP GDAS Satellite Data 2004-continuing
This dataset contains a subset of the level 1b or higher satellite data products used in the NCEP Global Data Assimilation System. These files can be used with the Weather...- dataset ASCII Binary
NCAR/NSF C-130 Mulitchannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the Instrument...- dataset Binary
INDOEX: NCAR/NSF C-130 Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) Data
This dataset contains binary files from NCAR's Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) obtained aboard the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX).- dataset Binary
NCAR/NSF C-130 Mulitchannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the Instrument...- dataset Binary
NCAR/NSF C-130 Mulitchannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the Instrument...- dataset Binary
NCAR/NSF C-130 Mulitchannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the 2004 Airborne Carbon...- dataset Binary
AVHRR Aerosol Optical Depth
This dataset contains daily NOAA-14 AVHRR 4-km Global Area Coverage (GAC) measurements that were collected for January-March 1996-2000. Analyses were performed for ascending...- dataset Binary
NCAR/NSF C-130 Multichannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the Surface Head Budget...- dataset Binary
NCAR/NSF C-130 Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) Data
This dataset contains binary files from NCAR's Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) obtained aboard the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the DYCOMS-II (Dynamics and Chemistry...- dataset Binary
Australian GMS McIDAS Archive for TOGA COARE
GMS Satellite Data in McIDAS Archive format for TOGA COARE from October 14, 1992 to March 5, 1993.- dataset Binary
International Satellite Cloud Climate Project (ISCCP) B1 GOES Data
GOES 8-kilometer, 3-hour archive of IR and VIS data from GOES West. (ISCCP B1 data).- dataset Binary
India INSAT Visual and Infrared Images, 1984Apr-1989Mar
The Indian Meteorological Department has provided satellite data from the Indian National Satellite (INSAT) for the period April 1984 to March 1989. Data are available...- dataset Binary
NESS NOAA Polar Orbiter Observations (TBM), 1978Oct-1989
Basic TOVS satellite sounder data. Visible, infrared, U wave, stratospheric channels. NCAR has all this data for the FGGE year and later.- dataset Binary
NASA International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) B3, 1987-1988
ISCCP Reduced Resolution Radiance (B3) Data This is a global data set of calibrated and normalized infrared and visible radiances of operational geostationary and polar orbiting...- dataset Binary
Campbell's International Satellite Cloud Climate Project (ISCCP) CX
This dataset contains ISCCP CX satellite data at about 30km resolution.- dataset Binary
Nimbus-3 Infrared Spectrometer (SIRS A and B), April 1969 to April 1971
This dataset contains radiance data from the Nimbus-3 Satellite Infrared Spectrometer (SIRS) A and B instruments. The data are available for various periods between April 1969...- dataset Binary
NESS TIROS-M Visual and Infrared Brightness Analyses, October 22-23, 1973
This dataset contains visible and infrared brightness data on a global 2048 by 2048 grid from NOAA's National Environmental Satellite Services (NESS) for the 2-day period of...- dataset Binary
Hourly SMS GATE Data
This satellite dataset was prepared for the period covering the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) in 1974. The raw data are from the first Synchronous Meteorological...- dataset Binary
ECMWF FGGE T63 Tropospheric, Surface and Tendency Analyses, daily 1979
ECMWF tropospheric surface and tendency analyses on a global grid with T63 resolution.- dataset Binary
GCIP Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) GEM model output,
The CMC GEM (replacement of RFE) model outputs for GCIP project.- dataset GRIB Binary