Acoustic scattering from fish and euphausiids, Patch Dynamics (B67)
The science efforts aboard the F/V Frosti (2008 and 2009) and F/V Goldrush (2009) as part of the Patch Dynamics Study around the Pribilof Islands and Bogoslof Island, a...- dataset Archive XML
2009 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Savoonga, Alaska
This dataset contains monitoring results of the subsistence harvest of numerous natural resources between January and December of 2009 in the St. Lawrence Island community of...- dataset Archive XML
Top Predator Hotspot Persistence
This dataset contains surveys of foraging patterns of marine predators. The predators studied were black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia),...- dataset Excel XML
Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea (B57)
These data are part of a study detailed in Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea, North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) Project B-57 Final Report. This Access database includes all...- dataset Excel OTHER Archive XML
Underway Seawater Sampling Aboard F/V Aldebaran in Winter and Summer 2009, Fo...
This data set contains measurements of oceanographic conditions from the fishing vessel F/V Aldebaran in the Bering Sea during the winter Pollock A Season fishery and National...- dataset NetCDF XML Image
Spatial Economic Models of Pollock and Cod 1991-2013 (B72)
The primary data utilized in the research are data from the North Pacific Observer Program and economic production and price information from the Alaska Fisheries Information...- dataset XML
Bering Sea Project, Subsistence Harvest Monitoring Results for St. Paul Islan...
This dataset contains monitoring results of the subsistence harvest of Steller sea lions, northern fur seals, and reindeer between 1999-2009 on St. Paul Island, Alaska. The...- dataset Excel XML
Underway Seawater Sampling Aboard F/V Aldebaran in Winter and Summer 2010, Fo...
This data set contains measurements of oceanographic conditions from the fishing vessel F/V Aldebaran in the Bering Sea during the winter Pollock A Season fishery and National...- dataset NetCDF XML Image
Seasonal bioenergetics of pollock, Pacific cod, flounder and zooplankton in t...
This dataset built models relating the energy phenology of Young-of-the-Year (YOY) and juvenile pollock, Pacific cod and arrowtooth flounder (ATF) to seasonal changes in their...- dataset Excel XML OTHER
Underway Seawater Sampling Aboard NOAA ship Oscar Dyson in 2008, Forage Distr...
This data set contains measurements of oceanographic conditions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship Oscar Dyson cruises in the Bering Sea during...- dataset NetCDF XML Archive
Depth-integrated euphausiid (Family Euphausiidae) backscatter in June, July, ...
This data set contains measurements of acoustic backscatter from euphausiids (Family Euphausiidae, principally Thysanoessa inermis and T. raschii) during annual or biennial...- dataset XML ASCII
Ichthyoplankton Surveys, 2008-2010 (B53)
This dataset examines seasonal linkages between spring spawning areas, early summer distribution patterns, and late summer/early fall occurrences for three key fish species in...- dataset Excel XML ASCII
Management Strategy Evaluation: Hindcast Model Output, 1979-2012 (B73)
This dataset contains Annual estimated results from Climate-Enhanced Age-based model with Temperature-specific Trophic Linkages and Energetics (CEATTLE) model and individual...- dataset Excel XML ASCII Archive
Seabird Diving, Stress and Stable Isotopes, Pribilof and Bogoslof Islands, Pa...
This dataset contains information on stable isotope signatures (for estimates of seabird diets), levels of corticosterone in seabird plasma (as a measure of nutritional stress),...- dataset Excel XML
Depth-integrated euphausiid (Family Euphausiidae) backscatter in June and Jul...
This dataset includes the nautical area scattering coefficient (sA, m2 nmi-2) for euphausiids between 16 m below the sea surface and 0.5 m above the seafloor in 0.5 nmi...- dataset XML ASCII
Functional Foraging Response, 2008-2010 (B61)
This dataset contains temperature related and prey density related responses of juvenile and adult pollock, a nodal species in the eastern Bering Sea food web. Stomach samples...- dataset XML ASCII
Depth-integrated euphausiid (Family Euphausiidae) backscatter in June, July, ...
This data set contains measurements of acoustic backscatter from euphausiids (Family Euphausiidae, principally Thysanoessa inermis and T. raschii) during annual or biennial...- dataset XML ASCII
Depth-integrated midwater pollock biomass in June, July, and August 2009 (B62)
This data set contains measurements of midwater walleye pollock biomass during annual or biennial acoustic-trawl surveys conducted by the Midwater Assessment and Conservation...- dataset XML ASCII
Depth-integrated midwater pollock biomass in June and July 2008
This dataset includes pollock biomass values summed between 16 m below the sea surface and 3 m above the seafloor within a rectangle with a north-south distance of 0.5 nmi...- dataset XML ASCII
Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Project, Local and Traditional Knowl...
The data set contains a coded Excel spreadsheet of local and traditional knowledge interview questions and responses, and a results narrative collected from eleven people...- dataset Excel PDF XML