Savoonga Field Report for the Local and Traditional Knowledge component of th...
This dataset contains detailed summary notes from local and traditional knowledge interviews conducted in Savoonga. The basic topics focused on during the interviews were...- dataset Archive PDF
Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Project, Local and Traditional Knowl...
The data set contains a coded Excel spreadsheet of local and traditional knowledge interview questions and responses, and a results narrative collected from eleven people...- dataset Excel PDF XML
Togiak Field Report for the Local and Traditional Knowledge component of the ...
This dataset contains detailed summary notes from local and traditional knowledge interviews conducted in Togiak. The basic topics focused on during the interviews were...- dataset PDF XML
Marine Regions Boundary Data for the Bering Sea Shelf and Slope
This dataset contains data and documentation on the agreed-upon marine region boundaries for the Bering Sea Project study area. These data are intended to facilitate analysis...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII XML
HLY-07-01 EK60 Acoustic Backscatter Data [DeRobertis, A.]
This dataset includes Acoustic Backscatter Data taken during the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset PDF ASCII
The Split-stream Harvesting Game
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Chemical and Isotopic Tracers from the Arctic Ocean
This dataset contains Chemical and Isotopic Tracers from the Arctic Ocean. These data are water column and sediment data tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. They were...- dataset Excel PDF