Top Predator Hotspot Persistence
This dataset contains surveys of foraging patterns of marine predators. The predators studied were black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia),...- dataset Excel XML
Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea (B57)
These data are part of a study detailed in Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea, North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) Project B-57 Final Report. This Access database includes all...- dataset Excel OTHER Archive XML
Bering Sea Project, Subsistence Harvest Monitoring Results for St. Paul Islan...
This dataset contains monitoring results of the subsistence harvest of Steller sea lions, northern fur seals, and reindeer between 1999-2009 on St. Paul Island, Alaska. The...- dataset Excel XML
Seasonal bioenergetics of pollock, Pacific cod, flounder and zooplankton in t...
This dataset built models relating the energy phenology of Young-of-the-Year (YOY) and juvenile pollock, Pacific cod and arrowtooth flounder (ATF) to seasonal changes in their...- dataset Excel XML OTHER
Ichthyoplankton Surveys, 2008-2010 (B53)
This dataset examines seasonal linkages between spring spawning areas, early summer distribution patterns, and late summer/early fall occurrences for three key fish species in...- dataset Excel XML ASCII
Management Strategy Evaluation: Hindcast Model Output, 1979-2012 (B73)
This dataset contains Annual estimated results from Climate-Enhanced Age-based model with Temperature-specific Trophic Linkages and Energetics (CEATTLE) model and individual...- dataset Excel XML ASCII Archive
Seabird Diving, Stress and Stable Isotopes, Pribilof and Bogoslof Islands, Pa...
This dataset contains information on stable isotope signatures (for estimates of seabird diets), levels of corticosterone in seabird plasma (as a measure of nutritional stress),...- dataset Excel XML
Foreign Reported Pacific Cod and Walleye Pollock Fishery Catch Data 1963-1989...
This dataset was used to conduct a retrospective analysis of catches of pollock and cod to create maps of species distribution as reflected in the catches. The spawning and...- dataset Excel Archive
Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Project, Local and Traditional Knowl...
The data set contains a coded Excel spreadsheet of local and traditional knowledge interview questions and responses, and a results narrative collected from eleven people...- dataset Excel PDF XML
2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Emmonak, Togiak, and Akutan, A...
This dataset contains monitoring results of the subsistence harvest of numerous natural resources between January and December of 2008 in the communities of Emmonak, Togiak and...- dataset Excel XML
BASIS survey acoustics, 2008-2010 (B59)
The 2008-2010 Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) surveys were conducted on the Bering Sea shelf (~30 m to 500 m depth ranges) in August-October aboard the RV...- dataset Excel XML
Retrospective data on Fish, Birds, Mammals (B68)
This dataset (1) quantifies past patterns of variability and covariation among time series of productivity of selected fish, seabird, and marine mammal species; (2) tests...- dataset Excel XML
ANIMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine bioaccumulation chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for concentrations of metals (Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,...- dataset Excel ASCII
WEBSEC-72 Trawl Data [Bluhm]
This data set represents the results of a data rescue effort focused on epibenthic invertebrates and fishes sampled by trawls by Dr. Andrew Carey in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
cANIMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine bioaccumulation chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for concentrations in biota of metals (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni,...- dataset Excel ASCII
COMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
The data are for concentrations of the following trace metals (Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, methyl-Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl, V and Zn) in benthic fauna and fishes...- dataset Excel ASCII
Chemical and Isotopic Tracers from the Arctic Ocean
This dataset contains Chemical and Isotopic Tracers from the Arctic Ocean. These data are water column and sediment data tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. They were...- dataset Excel PDF