ERA-40 Monthly Means of Upper Air Potential Vorticity Surface Data
Monthly means of upper air potential vorticity level data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Pressure Level Forecasts
The pressure level forecasts from the 6-hourly runs of ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are available here.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Model Level Analysis
The 6-hourly global upper air model level analysis data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Pressure Level Analysis
The 6-hourly global upper air pressure level analysis data from ECMWF ERA-40 project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Monthly Mean Analysis Fields on Pressure Surfaces, created at NCAR
DS126.1 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Model Level Variances and Covariances
The ERA-40 model level variances and covariances with respect to the monthly means are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Global Surface and Flux Data
The 6-hourly surface and flux data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of 2.5 Degree Upper Air Pressure Level Analysis
This dataset includes monthly means of 2.5 degree upper air pressure level analysis data.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of 2.5 Degree Surface and Flux Analysis Data
This dataset includes monthly means of 2.5 degree surface and flux analysis data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of Surface and Flux Fields
The monthly means of surface and flux fields from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Analysis Fields on Model Levels, created at NCAR
DS124.2 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T106 Analysis Fields on Pressure Surfaces, created at NCAR
DS127.1 represents a higher resolution version of ds124.1 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds124.1/]. Both ds124.1 and 127.1 were implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 1.5 degree Wave Model Forecasts
This contains global 1.5 degree wave model forecast data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of Upper Air Pressure Level Forecasts
This contains the monthly means of upper air pressure level forecasts data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Radiative Tendency Fields
The 6-hourly radiative tendency variables from ECMWR ERA-40 reanalysis project accumulated over the 3 and 6 hour forecasts are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Monthly Mean Analysis Fields on Model Levels, created at NCAR
DS126.2 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 1.5 Degree Wave Model Analysis
This dataset contains global 1.5 degree wave model analysis results from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Monthly Mean Surface Analysis and Surface Forecast Fields, created ...
DS126.0 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of Model Level Forecasts
This includes monthly means of model level forecasts from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 6-hourly Surface Analysis and Surface Forecast Fields, created at NCAR
DS124.0 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB