Supporting data for Lin et al. "Diffuse Electron Precipitation Effects on Sub...
This dataset contains the necessary data supporting the paper titled "The role of diffuse electron precipitation in the formation of subauroral polarization streams", submitted...- dataset OTHER Matlab NetCDF Image
Supporting data for Shi et al. "Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionos...
This dataset contains the simulation data supporting the paper titled "Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden...- dataset Matlab NetCDF Image
Data repository for Lin et al. (2022) "Origin of Dawnside Subauroral Polariza...
This dataset contains the necessary data and plotting tools supporting the paper titled "Origin of Dawnside Subauroral Polarization Streams during Major Geomagnetic Storms", by...- dataset Matlab NetCDF Image