FEAST Hindcast Model Output 1970-2009 (B70)
Part of The Bering Sea Project, FEAST is a high resolution (~10km2) spatial model that uses a Regional Ocean Modeling System for the Bering Sea (ROMS Bering-10K), with two-way...- dataset NetCDF Archive
AmeriFlux Gap-Filled Data from Selected Sites
AmeriFlux [http://ameriflux.lbl.gov/] is part of the larger network Fluxnet [http://daac.ornl.gov/FLUXNET/fluxnet.shtml] which endeavors to connect observations from regional...- dataset NetCDF
CLM5 Sensitivity Analyses
These data are the results of sensitivities with the Community Land Model (version 5, CLM5) under conditions of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrogen deposition, and present day...- dataset Archive NetCDF
Single-point CLM simulations with hillslope hydrology at Niwot Ridge, CO
In this study, we ran ecosystem-scale Community Land Model (CLM) simulations with a novel hillslope hydrology configuration to represent topographically heterogeneous alpine...- dataset ASCII NetCDF