Arctic Regional Climate System (ARCSYM) Model Output
The Arctic Region Climate System Model (ARCSyM, Lynch et al 1995) has been developed for studies of ocean-ice-atmosphere and land-atmosphere interactions in the high latitudes...- dataset HDF
WRF-Solar AOD550 & Clear-Sky Irradiance Forecasts & Verifying Observations ov...
This dataset is fully described in and is a companion of Lee et al. (2022): Lee, J. A., P. A. Jiménez, J. Dudhia, and Y.-M. Saint-Drenan, 2023: Impacts of the aerosol...- dataset HDF
TEC data
This is TEC data used for the paper: Variations in thermosphere composition and ionosphere total electron content under 'geomagnetically quiet' conditions at solar-minimum....- dataset HDF
Project Pythia: Output from WRF V3.6 model
Project Pythia is a community resource for learning how to analyze geosciences data using the Scientific Python Ecosystem. This data set is used primarily on the WRF-Python...- dataset HDF
A Statistical Analysis of Lossily Compressed CESM-LENS Data
The data storage burden resulting from CESM simulations continues to grow, and lossy data compression methods can alleviate this burden, provided that key climate variables are...- dataset HDF ASCII
CESM2 COVID and 2019/20 Australian Wildfire Simulations
These simulations comprise three ensembles spanning 2019-2024. The ensembles include 50 members forced with 1) SSP245 climate forcings, 2) SSP245 combined with estimated...- dataset HDF
A large ensemble of spatially and annually averaged CESM CAM 100-year data
This repository contains data from an ensemble of 100-year runs on the Cheyenne computer at NCAR. The purpose of this data set is to allow an investigation of how different...- dataset HDF ASCII
Global horizontal irradiance from WRF-Solar and NSRDB over CONUS
This dataset has been used in the publication: Jimenez, P.A., J. Yang, J.-H. Kim, M. Sengupta, and J. Dudhia: Assessing the WRF-Solar model performance using satellite-derived...- dataset HDF
Data for the figures in paper 'Variations in thermosphere composition and ion...
This data set include the simulated percentage difference of O to N2 column density ratio between DOY 111 and 110 (Figure 3 of paper), and the absolute difference of neutral...- dataset HDF
CLM5.0 TRENDY Simulations used for the 2020 Global Carbon Budget
The data included consist of four simulations completed for Trends in land carbon cycle (TRENDY) simulations for the Global Carbon Project, which follow the land modeling...- dataset HDF
LIT Thermosphere Control of Ion Outflow Results
Results from two LIT coupled model runs containing the global outputs from the LFM magnetosphere, IPWM ionosphere, TIEGCM thermosphere-ionosphere simulation.- dataset HDF NetCDF
This dataset is for the data that is used to generate the figures in the submitted paper to the AGU Advances: A Numerical Study of the Hemispherically Asymmetric Evolution of...- dataset HDF
Tropical Cyclones in Global Storm-Resolving Models
This dataset contains information about the tropical cyclones simulated by nine global storm-resolving models (global storm-resolving models are global models with a horizontal...- dataset HDF ASCII
This numerical simulation data set is prepared for manuscript submission to the the Monthly Weather Review journal of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). The National...- dataset HDF
Turbulence in simulated Tropical Instability Wave
This dataset consists of fields output from a 1/20° regional simulation of the Tropical Pacific ocean. The data are hourly averaged and cover the time period of a single...- dataset HDF
AEW hindcast using the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere (MPAS-A)...
The dataset includes post-processed model outputs from global simulations using the MPAS-A version 7.1. The model was initialized using both ECMWF Integrated Forecast System...- dataset HDF ASCII
POGA and SPCZ experiments using CAM5
Two atmosphere-only experiments using CAM5, PAC-A and extSPCZ-A (each with 10 ensemble members), are conducted to compare with the fully coupled CESM1 tropical Pacific...- dataset HDF
Data for GRL Article "Resolved Convection Improves the Representation of Equa...
This repository contains mandatory material to reproduce the results of the GRL article "Resolved Convection Improves the Representation of Equatorial Waves and Tropical...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
Community MUSICAv0 CONUS Simulations
The Community MUSICAv0 CONUS simulations have been produced using the Community Earth System Model Release Version 2.2.0 with comprehensive tropospheric and stratospheric TS1...- dataset HDF
CESM2 Thermodynamic sensitivity experiments
These are fully-coupled CESM2-CAM6 pre-industrial control run experiments used to test the sensitivity to the new sea ice thermodynamic formulation. The only difference here is...- dataset HDF