International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Release 3, Ind...
The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) is a global ocean marine meteorological and surface ocean dataset. It is formed by merging many national and...- dataset HDF Binary NetCDF
GOES-10 Channel 1 (Visible) 1KM Sectored Data in Hierarchical Data Format
The GOES-10 Channel 1 (Visible) 1KM Sectored Data in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is one of several satellite data sets collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of...- dataset HDF
Atmospheric Initial and Boundary Conditions
This dataset contains atmospheric initial and boundary conditions for Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) in HDF format. The data include seven...- dataset HDF ASCII
STAR MODIS Cloud Satellite Dataset
The changing climate represents one of the most important ecological issues concerning our planet. Changes in atmospheric trace gases, cloud over, cloud type, solar radiation,...- dataset HDF
DC3 4 June 2012 West Texas Case
This dataset includes data over the region of interest from three platforms in support of a study of charge polarity for the Deep Convective Clouds & Chemistry Project...- dataset NetCDF HDF ASCII
NASA/DC-8 Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) Measuring Tropospheric Ozone P...
This data set contains NASA/DC-8 Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) Measuring Tropospheric Ozone Profiles and High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) Data collected during the...- dataset HDF ASCII
GOES-10 Five Channel 4KM Sectored Data in Hierarchical Data Format
The GOES-10 Five Channel 4KM Sectored Data in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is one of several satellite data sets collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine...- dataset HDF
ECCC CASBV Blainville, Quebec Radar Data
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) radar data for the Blainville, Montreal Quebec site (CASBV) collected during the WINTRE-MIX (Winter Precipitation Type Research...- dataset HDF
Arctic Regional Climate System (ARCSYM) Model Output
The Arctic Region Climate System Model (ARCSyM, Lynch et al 1995) has been developed for studies of ocean-ice-atmosphere and land-atmosphere interactions in the high latitudes...- dataset HDF
WRF-Solar AOD550 & Clear-Sky Irradiance Forecasts & Verifying Observations ov...
This dataset is fully described in and is a companion of Lee et al. (2022): Lee, J. A., P. A. Jiménez, J. Dudhia, and Y.-M. Saint-Drenan, 2023: Impacts of the aerosol...- dataset HDF
ADEOS Scatterometer Winds, Level 2B
Sea surface wind estimated by scatterometer instruments on the ADEOS satellite. JPL PO.DAAC [http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/] has initiated reprocessing of all ADEOS and QuikSCAT...- dataset Binary HDF
The International Surface Pressure Databank version 3
Notice: A newer version of this dataset, the International Surface Pressure Databank version 4, is available in RDA dataset ds132.2 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds132.2/]....- dataset HDF
The SeaWinds QuikSCAT L2B Scatterometer Ocean Winds, Version 3.0
The SeaWinds instrument on QuikSCAT is an active microwave radar designed to measure electromagnetic backscatter from the wind roughened ocean surface. The L2B data are...- dataset HDF
EarthScope USArray Transportable Array (TA) Surface Pressure Observations Sam...
The EarthScope USArray Transportable Array (TA) contains over 400 seismic station platforms deployed in a pseudo-grid fashion (spaced approximately 70 km apart) across a portion...- dataset HDF
High-resolution Surface Solar Irradiance derived from ISCCP DX data
Global surface solar irradiance data are derived from ISCCP DX data in 0.5-degree-square boxes. Daily and monthly values of total irradiance, clear sky irradiance,...- dataset HDF
NSCAT Scatterometer Ocean Winds, Level 2
NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) global ocean surface winds are determined from sigma-naught backscatter. JPL has provided the data, and the satellite provided only a short archive...- dataset Binary HDF
Interpretable Deep Learning for Spatial Analysis of Severe Hailstorms: Storm ...
This repository contains the simulation and analysis data for the paper "Interpretable Deep Learning for Spatial Analysis of Severe Hailstorms." This dataset contains simulated...- dataset HDF
The International Surface Pressure Databank version 4
This dataset contains the International Surface Pressure Databank version 4.7 (ISPDv4), the world's largest collection of pressure observations. It has been gathered through...- dataset HDF
International Surface Pressure Databank (ISPDv2)
The International Surface Pressure Databank (ISPD; Cram et al. 2015) [http://reanalyses.org/observations/international-surface-pressure-databank] is the world's largest...- dataset HDF
Large-eddy simulation of idealized hurricanes at different sea surface temper...
Idealized hurricanes are studied using WRF model at four different sea surface temperatures of 26, 27, 28 and 29 degree C in six nested domains down to 62 m grid size. The WRF...- dataset HDF