Acoustic scattering from fish and euphausiids, Patch Dynamics (B67)
The science efforts aboard the F/V Frosti (2008 and 2009) and F/V Goldrush (2009) as part of the Patch Dynamics Study around the Pribilof Islands and Bogoslof Island, a...- dataset Archive XML
BEST Synthesis: Integration and modeling of spatial-temporal variation in vit...
This dataset includes all records on euphausiid measured lengths and their subsequent conversions to wet, dry, carbon and nitrogene weights. Measurements included in this...- dataset Archive OTHER
Oil Industry Chemical Characterization Data
This data set was collected as part of the Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program (CSESP), a multi-year, interdisciplinary ecological study focused on areas in outer...- dataset Archive
HLY-04-02 Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) Data [Ashjian, C.]
Data were collected on cruise HLY0402 to the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy from May 16, 2004 to June 23, 2004 as part of the Shelf Basin...- dataset Archive
HLY-04-04 Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) Data [Ashjian, C.]
Data were collected on cruise HLY0404 to the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy from 2 September 2004 to 1 October 2004 as part of the Shelf...- dataset Archive
Distribution of Zooplankton in the Northeast Water Polynya Project, Summer 19...
These data represent quantitative taxonomic analyses of zooplankton samples collected while on board the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Polar Sea, operating in the...- dataset ASCII Archive Image