ETL Radar-Lidar 10-min Cloud Physical Properties [Shupe, M., J. Intrieri, T. ...
Data set combines radar, lidar, and radiosonde measurements to give a comprehensive view of cloud boundaries, locations, and temperatures for the SHEBA annual cycle. Information...- dataset NetCDF
ARM Micro-pulse Lidar Data
This data set contains 1 minute resolution cloud base height data from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP)...- dataset NetCDF
Radar, ETL vertically pointing; Final Cloud Boundaries (netCDF) [Uttal, T.]
NOAA ETL deployed a vertically pointing Doppler radar aboard the SHEBA ship. This dataset contains final radar cloud boundary netCDF files for the entire deployment period.- dataset NetCDF
NASA ER-2 Cloud Lidar System (CLS) Data
The Cloud Lidar System (CLS) was flown aboard the ER-2 to conduct cloud radiation measurements during CEPEX. The instrument was designed to operate at high altitudes in order to...- dataset NetCDF
NERC Dornier 228 Leosphere Lidar Cloud Top Height Data
This dataset includes NetCDF files created for the VOCALS project. Cloud top height netcdf files were processed from raw data from the Leosphere ALS300 aerosol lidar on board...- dataset NetCDF
UK Met Office (UKMO) Satellite Icing Products (Experimental)
Aircraft Icing Potential and Cloud Top Height (CTH) of likely aircraft icing, two UK Met Office (UKMO) experimental satellite products for ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop...- dataset NetCDF
NSF/NCAR C130 Radar, Lidar and Radiometer Integrated Dataset
This data set consists of Integrated Data of remotely-sensed cloud variables from cloud radar, lidar and millimeter-wave radiometer taken aboard the NCAR C-130 during the VOCALS...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-PolKa Radar Echo Top Height Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the 15 minute resolution gridded echo top height data from the NCAR/EOL S-PolKa S-band Doppler radar that was located on Addu Atoll of the Maldive Islands...- dataset NetCDF
SMART-R Radar Echo Top Height Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the 10 minute resolution gridded echo top height data from the SMART-R1 Doppler radar that was located on Addu Atoll of the Maldive Islands during DYNAMO....- dataset NetCDF
NASA SatCORPS Himawari Cloud Retrieval Data
This dataset contains cloud retrieval data from the Himawari satellite during SOCRATES. These data were produced by the NASA Langley’s Satellite ClOud and Radiation...- dataset NetCDF