NCEP GDAS Satellite Data 2004-continuing
This dataset contains a subset of the level 1b or higher satellite data products used in the NCEP Global Data Assimilation System. These files can be used with the Weather...- dataset Binary ASCII
NCEP ADP Global Surface Observational Weather Data, October 1999 - continuing
NCEP ADP Global Surface Observational Weather Data are composed of surface weather reports operationally collected by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)....- dataset Binary ASCII
TDL U.S. and Canada Surface Hourly Observations
Hourly airways data over US, Canada for about 2000 stations. There are also some observations for Mexico and most Central American countries. The data is taken directly from all...- dataset ASCII
ICOADS Input Data Sources
This dataset contains auxiliary, preliminary, and other datasets that are in preparation to be included in a future ICOADS release. Data are provided either in IMMA1 or native...- dataset Binary ASCII
NCDC TD9724 Hourly Solar and Surface Observations, 1952-1976
This dataset, from the National Climatic Data Center, was designed to provide solar energy users with quality-controlled hourly solar information along with collateral...- dataset ASCII
U.S.A.F. ETAC TD9600 Surface Observations
Global surface observations from the U.S.A.F. for February 1967 to April 1967 and for August 1976.- dataset ASCII
ASEAN Climatic Atlas Project Data
The Malaysian Meteorological Service compiled observations from member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to produce this dataset for the ASEAN...- dataset Binary ASCII
Canadian Climate Centre Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
The second generation General Circulation Model (GCMII) at the Canadian Climate Centre was used to run a CO2 experiment in which the current climate (1xCO2) was compared with a...- dataset ASCII
NOAA (ERL) Highly Reflective Cloud (HRC) Analyses, monthly 1971-1985
NOAA has computed monthly total and normalized monthly total grids from daily 1-degree grids of highly reflective clouds (HRC) for January 1971 to December 1985. In addition to...- dataset Binary ASCII
Climatological Data for Clouds Over the Globe from Surface Observations: The ...
TOTAL CLOUD Edition Superseded by the Extended Edited Synoptic Cloud Report Archive. See RELATED Datasets below.- dataset ASCII
NCEP ADP Operational Global Upper Air Observations, December 1972 - February ...
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic upper air data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
NMC ADP Global Surface Observations Subsets
Intended for area subsets extracted from ds464.0 by DSS. Presently just for Greenland, January 1978 to May 1999.- dataset ASCII
U.S.S.R. Surface 6- and 3-hourly Surface Synoptic Observations 1936-1983
This dataset contains daily 6-hourly and 3-hourly surface observations for many U.S.S.R. stations for January 1936 to December 1983.- dataset ASCII
Kuwait Oil Fires Archive, 1991
This is data extracted from various NCEP observed and analyzed datasets and then put in our RPTOUT format to support the Kuwait Oil Fires studies.- dataset Binary ASCII
Daily Meteorological Data for U.S. Cooperative Stations from NCDC TD3200
The summaries of daily land surface observations in this data set are primarily from stations in the National Weather Service (NWS) cooperative station network, but also include...- dataset ASCII
Climatological Data for Clouds Over the Globe from Surface Observations
Total cloud cover and cloud type amounts over both land and ocean, based on data from FNOC and COADS. Superseded by the Extended Edited Synoptic Cloud Report Archive. See...- dataset ASCII
Extended Edited Synoptic Cloud Reports Archive (EECRA) from Ships and Land St...
EECRA contains surface synoptic weather reports for the entire globe, gathered from various available data sets. The reports were processed, edited, and rewritten to provide a...- dataset ASCII
Canada Summary of Day, 1890-1979
First version of set. Combined with ds516.1 [], a later version, to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
Western Arctic Ice Drift and Expedition Ship Stations
Western Arctic ice drifting stations, AIDJEX, ARLIS I, ARLIS II, Ice Station Alpha, Ice Station Charlie, T-3 (called Ice Station Bravo during IGY), and ships Maud and Fram...- dataset ASCII
Ocean Station Vessel Observations
Surface observations, some XBT profiles, and some subsurface station data from permanent observing ocean ships. Earliest data is 1945 and latest data is 1991. Added in June 2006...- dataset Binary ASCII