Holographic Detector for Clouds (HOLODEC)
This dataset contains measurements of cloud particle size distributions collected during the ICE-T project using an airborne holographic instrument mounted on the NSF/NCAR...- dataset OTHER
Raw 2D-S Data
A 2D-S instrument contains two 2D probes which image particles as they pass through beams that are oriented orthogonally to each other and the airflow. If particles also lie in...- dataset OTHER
NOAA P-3 PMS Cloud Microphysical Images
This dataset contains observations of the vertical variability of cloud microphysical properties in stratiform areas behind bow echoes collected by the NOAA P-3 while flying...- dataset OTHER
MP2 UAH MIPS Parsivel Disdrometer Data
This data set contains 10 second resolution drop size distribution data from the Parsivel disdrometer that was on-board the PECAN Mobile PISA 2 University of Alabama-Huntsville...- dataset OTHER ASCII
Holographic Detector for Clouds (HOLODEC 2) - RAW (.seq) data format [EOL/RAF]
This dataset contains measurements of cloud particle size distributions collected during the CSET (Cloud System Evolution in the Trades) project using an airborne holographic...- dataset OTHER XML