Development and analysis of life-history models to predict the evolution of r...
Development and analysis of life-history models to predict the evolution of reaction norms in early development of seabirds and their consequences on individual and population...- dataset Archive XML
Savoonga Field Report for the Local and Traditional Knowledge component of th...
This dataset contains detailed summary notes from local and traditional knowledge interviews conducted in Savoonga. The basic topics focused on during the interviews were...- dataset Archive PDF
Reindeer Herder Annual Migration Routes in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian F...
This dataset consists of shapefile format files for mapserver that provide information on the reindeer brigades routes of the indigenous peoples in Nenets Autonomous Okrug,...- dataset Archive
Oil Industry Chemical Oceanography Data [Mathis]
The primary objective of the ocean acidification program is to describe spatial, seasonal and interannual variability in the marine carbon cycle to assess the extent and...- dataset Archive
Original Full Resolution Timelapse Images for Columbia Glacier
This dataset contains timelapse images taken at the Columbia Glacier in Alaska. Images were captured by several cameras placed in several locations, as denoted by camera ID...- dataset Archive Excel
IBP Rate Plot Resampling Photos Barrow [Webber]
This dataset contains Research on Arctic Tundra Environments (RATE) plot resampling photos collected in 2000 at Barrow, Alaska for the ITEX project.- dataset Archive
ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products - georeferenced
Surface meteorology and flux products collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System team during the Sundowner Wind Experiment (SWEX) in Santa Barbara, CA. Data have been...- dataset Archive NetCDF
Ivotuk Site CD [ATLAS PIs]
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
Rate Plot Resampling Photos Atqasuk [Webber]
This dataset contains Research on Arctic Tundra Environments (RATE) plot resampling photos collected in 1975 and 2000 at Atqasuk, Alaska for the ITEX project.- dataset Archive
Incorporation of a Permafrost Model into a Large Scale Ecosystem Model [Zhuan...
This dataset contains the model output data from the soil thermal model coupled to the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (STM-TEM) simulations across the range of black spruce...- dataset Archive PDF
MPAS-A pseudo-global warming (PGW) experiment with convection-permitting reso...
The dataset includes post-processed model outputs from regional configuration simulations (control and PGW) using the MPAS-A version 8.0.1. This is the first dataset publicly...- dataset Archive ASCII
HIWIND Balloon and Antarctica Jang Bogo FPI High Latitude Conjugate Thermosph...
The data files contain thermospheric wind observations and simulations at JBS observatory and HIWIND.- dataset Archive Binary
CESM2 single forcing large ensemble description paper
This dataset contains processed data from the CESM2 single forcing large ensemble as well as some CESM2 emissions files that are necessary for reproducing the figures in Simpson...- dataset Archive
ROMS simulations of river-sourced coastal ocean tracer pathways following Hur...
Three-hourly model output from a 800-m horizontal resolution 50-vertical layer Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) simulation of the coastal region near Cape Fear, North...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
CLM5 Sensitivity Analyses
These data are the results of sensitivities with the Community Land Model (version 5, CLM5) under conditions of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrogen deposition, and present day...- dataset Archive NetCDF
Data and Code for Yeager et al., 2022: Enhanced Skill and Signal-to-noise in ...
The sensitivity of decadal prediction system performance to model resolution is examined by comparing results from low- and high-resolution (LR and HR) predictions conducted...- dataset Archive NetCDF
Climate Change in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere from the Early Twentieth Ce...
Motivated by numerous lower atmosphere climate model hindcast simulations, we performed simulations of the Earthâs atmosphere from the surface up through the...- dataset Archive
CAMELS: Catchment Attributes and MEteorology for Large-sample Studies
The hydrometeorological time series together with the catchment attributes constitute the CAMELS dataset: Catchment Attributes and MEteorology for Large-sample Studies. TIME...- dataset Excel PDF ASCII Archive
Time-corrected Low Resolution Timelapse Images for Columbia Glacier
This dataset contains timelapse images taken at the Columbia Glacier in Alaska. Images were captured by several cameras placed in several locations, as denoted by camera ID...- dataset Excel Archive
Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Elevation Changes From ICESat and ATM
This data set includes gridded surface elevation change rates for the Greenland Ice Sheet between 2003 and 2009, the operational time period of Ice, Cloud and land Elevation...- dataset Archive