Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea (B57)
These data are part of a study detailed in Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea, North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) Project B-57 Final Report. This Access database includes all...- dataset Excel OTHER Archive XML
Seasonal bioenergetics of pollock, Pacific cod, flounder and zooplankton in t...
This dataset built models relating the energy phenology of Young-of-the-Year (YOY) and juvenile pollock, Pacific cod and arrowtooth flounder (ATF) to seasonal changes in their...- dataset Excel XML OTHER
Seabird Broad-Scale Distribution, 2008 (B64)
This dataset examines seabird (and marine mammal) distribution relative to oceanographic and biological features of the Bering Sea. It examines the current influence of...- dataset Excel OTHER XML
HLY-08-01 and HLY-08-02 Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea
This dataset includes all summary data records including abiotic and biotic habitat descriptions, brittle and sea star abundance values, sediment topography values, and all...- dataset Excel OTHER
Animida and cAnimida Data [Batelle]
This dataset contains information specifically for the Arctic Nearshore Impact Monitoring in the Development Area (ANIMIDA 1999 - 2002) and continuation of Arctic Nearshore...- dataset Archive PDF OTHER
Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise NBP0304A Underway Data
This dataset contains the results of the Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP) ship data acquisition system data logger from the SBI Palmer Cruise NBP0304A. All data have been compressed...- dataset OTHER PDF Image Movie ASCII Archive Binary
Seward Peninsula and North Slope AVHRR Imagery [Oechel, W.]
This data set contains the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery of the North Slope and Seward Peninsula of Alaska taken during the Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset OTHER
Western Arctic Benthic Community Structure and Biomass (MS Access) [Dunton K....
This dataset consists of compiled benthic biomass from the northern Bering, Chukchi, East Siberian and Beaufort seas for input into ArcView, a Geographical Information System....- dataset OTHER
Western Arctic Benthic Community Structure and Biomass [Dunton K., J. Grebmei...
This dataset consists of compiled benthic biomass from the northern Bering, Chukchi, East Siberian and Beaufort seas for input into ArcView, a Geographical Information System....- dataset OTHER
Terrain and Vegetation of Toolik Lake, AK: Permanent Plots
This data set is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 81 study plots at the Toolik Lake research site in northern Alaska. Data include...- dataset Excel OTHER PDF ASCII