Seasonal Variability in Fatty Acid and Lipid Content in the Blubber of Pacifi...
Full depth sternum blubber samples were collected from 17 adult female walruses harvested by hunting teams from the village of Gambell, Alaska. Each sample was split...- dataset XML ASCII
Seabird Broad-Scale Distribution 2008-2010 (B64)
This dataset contains corrected, processed data for observations from 2008 to 2010. The processed data have density in 3km segments. The goal of this project was to describe the...- dataset Archive XML ASCII Excel
Ichthyoplankton Surveys, 2008-2010 (B53)
This dataset examines seasonal linkages between spring spawning areas, early summer distribution patterns, and late summer/early fall occurrences for three key fish species in...- dataset Excel XML ASCII
Management Strategy Evaluation: Hindcast Model Output, 1979-2012 (B73)
This dataset contains Annual estimated results from Climate-Enhanced Age-based model with Temperature-specific Trophic Linkages and Energetics (CEATTLE) model and individual...- dataset Excel XML ASCII Archive
Functional Foraging Response, 2008-2010 (B61)
This dataset contains temperature related and prey density related responses of juvenile and adult pollock, a nodal species in the eastern Bering Sea food web. Stomach samples...- dataset XML ASCII
Marine Regions Boundary Data for the Bering Sea Shelf and Slope
This dataset contains data and documentation on the agreed-upon marine region boundaries for the Bering Sea Project study area. These data are intended to facilitate analysis...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII XML
Bacterioplankton abundances during long spring BEST cruises
Samples for analysis of bacterioplankton abundance and relative nucleic acid content were collected at 6 depths in the upper 50m from primary production Conductivity...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-02, HLY-08-03 and KN195-10 Zooplankton Distribution in the Eastern Ber...
This data set was collected as part of the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP) to document the biomass, abundance and...- dataset ASCII
TN249-10, TN250-10 Chlorophyll and Primary Production 2010
These data were collected from process stations and other stations where the Phytoplankton Ecology Lab of BIOS collected bulk chlorophyll (Chl) measurements on the following...- dataset ASCII
Pelagic distribution and abundance of seabirds in the PROBES area
This data set includes data from the PROBES area, gathered by multiple observers in multiple projects, since 1975. The data were gathered in strip transects, generally 300 m...- dataset ASCII
HLY-08-02 Particulate Organic Matter (POM) Isotopes
This dataset contains data for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of particulate organic matter (POM) collected from the Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) rosette...- dataset Excel ASCII
Chlorophyll and Primary Production [Lomas/BIOS]
These data were collected from process stations and other stations where the Photoplankton Ecology Laboratory group collected bulk chlorophyll (Chl) measurements on the...- dataset Excel ASCII
PSEA-10-01, TN249-10 GenBank accession numbers for Pseudocalanus spp. mtCOI s...
This data set contains the GenBank accession numbers and sequences for each mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) haplotype of the different Pseudocalanus spp. collected...- dataset Excel ASCII
PROBES Meso-Zooplankton from 1980 and 1981
This data set contains PROBES MOCNESS Zooplankton data report files. During the PROBES program, Sharon Smith and co-workers conducted MOCNESS tows along the PROBES lines in the...- dataset ASCII
Sediment trap data of vertical flux of algal pigments, POC and PON
This dataset contains data on vertical flux of algal pigments and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen determined by deploying sediment traps under sea ice in the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-01 Benthic Station Data, v1
This dataset contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, benthic chlorophyll-a values (integrated water column chlorophyll-a, sediment chlorophyll-a), benthic...- dataset Excel ASCII
Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations and Stable Isotopes in...
This data set contains data on particulate organic nitrogen concentration and particulate organic carbon concentration as well as stable isotope ratios for carbon and nitrogen...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-07-01 Pore Water Nutrient Data [Devol, A.]
This dataset contains the pore water nutrient data from the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP)...- dataset ASCII
HLY-08-01 Calibration, Underway, Bottle (Chlorophyll, Nutrients, CTD) and Out...
This dataset includes calibration, underway and outreach data in addition to cruise reports from the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII Excel
Sediment Trap Pigment and Biogenic Silica Fluxes
These data were collected from sediment trap deployments on the following Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP) cruises:...- dataset ASCII