NCAR/ATD 5 minute Quality Controlled ASTER surface and chemistry data
This dataset contains 5 minute Atmosphere/Surface Turbulent Exchange Research (ASTER) facility surface and chemistry data collected at the Cheeka Peak cloud observatory on the...- dataset Archive
NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge
This data set contains NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012....- dataset Archive ASCII
NCAR ACOM Manitou MANITOU2009 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the MANITOU2009 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...- dataset Archive ASCII Excel
BALTEX: Cabauw CO2 Flux Raw Data
This is the 10 minute CO2 flux data for the Baltex Cabauw Reference Site.- dataset Archive
QC ISFS High Rate Surface Data, tilt corrected sonic winds in geographic coor...
This data set contains high rate ISFS data collected from 2016-08-15 through 2016-11-03 as part of the VERTEX field campaign. These data are in NetCDF format, and have tilt...- dataset Archive
ICEBRIDGE data [Crawford, NASA/LARC]
These observations were collected between 12-28 October and 16-24 November 2009 which overlaps temporally with the HIPPO II flights. The attached pdf shows the coverage for the...- dataset Archive ASCII
HIPPO Pressure-Weighted Mean Total, 10-km, and 100-m Interval Column Concentr...
This dataset contains the total column and vertical profile data for all Missions, 1 through 5, of the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) study of carbon cycle and...- dataset Archive
ORCAS Climatology and Flight Information Plots
This collection of graphics contains climatologies derived from various sources including the Global Forecast System (GFS) Final Analyses (FNL), the National Center for...- dataset Archive
Wyoming King Air Raw Flight Level Data
This dataset contains the raw King-Air data from all flights that occurred during the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study 1997 (CASES-97). The data are contained in a...- dataset Archive
WY King Air Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Data
This dataset contains microphysics data captured as part of the Rain in Cumulus Over the Ocean (RICO) 2004-2005 project. The dataset covers the time period 7 December 2004...- dataset NetCDF Archive
Seward Peninsula Sites CDs
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
DOE ARM SGP Eddy Correlation (ECOR) Flux Data
This data set contains 30 minute resolution latent heat flux and sensible heat flux data from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Atmospheric...- dataset Archive
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 3 Gridded Data
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 3 Gridded Data are included in this dataset for the MethaneAIR (Methane Source Quantification) 2021 Field Project. Data are included for the...- dataset Archive
NCAR ACOM Manitou BEACHON-RoMBAS2011 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the BEACHON-RoMBAS2011 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...- dataset Archive
NCAR ACOM Manitou MANITOU2015 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the MANITOU2015 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL ISFS High Rate Surface Flux Data, Geographic Coordinate Winds
High-rate surface flux data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the RELAMPAGO field campaign. Data are reported in 1 second intervals,...- dataset Archive
NCAR ACOM Manitou BEACHON-ROCS2010 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the BEACHON-ROCS2010 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...- dataset Archive
ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products - georeferenced
Surface meteorology and flux products collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System team during the Sundowner Wind Experiment (SWEX) in Santa Barbara, CA. Data have been...- dataset Archive NetCDF
NCAR ACOM Manitou SPIFFY2015 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the SPIFFY2015 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest Observatory...- dataset Archive
This dataset contains flux tower and extensive energy balance data collected at all tower sites for the Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN-X)...- dataset Archive