MPAS-A moisture-sensitivity simulations with convection-permitting resolution...
The dataset includes post-processed model outputs from 12 regional configuration moisture-sensitivity simulations using the MPAS-A version 7.3. The Limited-Area domain...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
RSS SMAP Sea Surface Salinity Analysis
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) V3.0 validated data are available from Remote Sensing Systems. The near-polar orbit of SMAP allows...- dataset NetCDF
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for Global Land Surface (1949-2012)
This dataset includes the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at three-, six-, and 12-month scales for global land surfaces. It was produced for a study to determine the...- dataset NetCDF
Data for Exploring the Relative Contribution of the MJO and ENSO to Midlatitu...
Here we explore the relative contribution of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to midlatitude subseasonal predictive skill of upper...- dataset NetCDF
Data for GRL Article "Resolved Convection Improves the Representation of Equa...
This repository contains mandatory material to reproduce the results of the GRL article "Resolved Convection Improves the Representation of Equatorial Waves and Tropical...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
Machine learning-based detection of weather fronts and associated extreme pre...
These data are the results of high resolution simulations with the Community Earth System Model, version 1.3 (CESM1.3). These simulations form the basis of a publication...- dataset HDF NetCDF
ROMS simulations of river-sourced coastal ocean tracer pathways following Hur...
Three-hourly model output from a 800-m horizontal resolution 50-vertical layer Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) simulation of the coastal region near Cape Fear, North...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
CESM2 Initialized 2019/20 Australian Wildfire Simulations
The coupled climate response to biomass burning emissions from the 2019/20 Australian wildfire season is estimated from the contrast between this 30-member ensembles using CESM2...- dataset HDF NetCDF
Data and Code for Yeager et al., 2022: Enhanced Skill and Signal-to-noise in ...
The sensitivity of decadal prediction system performance to model resolution is examined by comparing results from low- and high-resolution (LR and HR) predictions conducted...- dataset Archive NetCDF
Dataset to reproduce the figures and table in "An Outsized Role for the Labra...
Climate models are essential tools for investigating intrinsic North Atlantic variability related to variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), but...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
Data for manuscript "Modes of Variability in E3SM and CESM Large Ensembles"
An adequate characterization of internal modes of climate variability (MoV) is prerequisite for both accurate seasonal predictions and the attribution and detection of forced...- dataset NetCDF
North Pacific (NP) Index by Trenberth and Hurrell; Monthly and Winter
The North Pacific Index (NP index or NPI) is the area-weighted sea level pressure over the region 30°N-65°N, 160°E-140°W. The NP index is defined to measure interannual to...- dataset NetCDF
Hurrell Wintertime SLP-based Northern Annular Mode (NAM) Index
The NAM (or Arctic Oscillation) is defined as the first EOF of NH (20°-90°N) winter SLP data. It explains 23% of the extended winter mean (December-March) variance, and it is...- dataset NetCDF