Surface Meteorological (Miscellaneous) Multi-Network Composite [NCAR/EOL]
The BAMEX 2003 Surface Miscellaneous Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Great Lakes Environmental...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Surface Meteorological (Hourly) Multi-Network Composite [NCAR/EOL]
The BAMEX 2003 Hourly Surface Meteorological composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
STORM-WAVE 5-Minute Surface Composite
The STORM-WAVE 5 Minute Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS),...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GCIP/ESOP-96 Surface: Hourly Surface Meteorological Composite
The GCIP/ESOP-96 Hourly Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Surface Observing System, Department Of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GCIP/NESOB-97 Surface: Hourly Surface Meteorological Composite
The GCIP/NESOB-97 Hourly Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Surface Observing System, Department Of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Surface Meteorological (1-minute) Multi-Network Composite [NCAR/EOL]
This data set contains one-minute resolution surface meteorological data in National Center for Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) Quality Control (QC)...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
VORTEX-94 High-Resolution Surface Composite
The Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment (VORTEX) High Resolution Surface Composite dataset contains data collected from the Automated Surface...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GCIP/ESOP-97 Surface: Hourly Surface Meteorological Composite
The GCIP/ESOP-97 Hourly Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Surface Observing System, Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Surface Meteorological (Hourly) Multi-Network Composite [NCAR/EOL]
The IHOP_2002 Hourly Surface Meteorological composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS), Colorado Agricultural Meteorological...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GCIP/LSA-NW 00 Surface: Hourly Surface Meteorological Composite
The GCIP/LSA-NW 00 Hourly Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Surface Observing System, Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network, High...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
VORTEX-95 High Resolution Surface Composite
The VORTEX-95 High Resolution Surface Composite dataset contains data collected from ASOS, AWOS, and Oklahoma Mesonet observing stations in the VORTEX domain at temporal...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
UNL Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) Mobile Mesonet Data
Surface meteorological observations from the three Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) mobile mesonet vehicles operated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) during the...- dataset NetCDF
Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) Data
Data from the Purdue University Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) that were deployed at locations around the southeastern United States for three PERiLS 2022...- dataset NetCDF
UNL Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) Mobile Mesonet Data
Surface meteorological observations from the three Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) mobile mesonet vehicles operated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) during the...- dataset NetCDF
Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q) Diurnal Statistics
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset NetCDF
Global Historical Climatology Net (GHCN) Version 2 Temperature, Precipitation...
The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) is a comprehensive global surface baseline climate data set designed for monitoring and detecting climate change. Comprised of...- dataset ASCII
TDL U.S. and Canada Surface Hourly Observations
Hourly airways data over US, Canada for about 2000 stations. There are also some observations for Mexico and most Central American countries. The data is taken directly from all...- dataset ASCII
Underway Seawater Sampling Aboard NOAA ship Oscar Dyson in 2010, Forage Distr...
This data set contains measurements of oceanographic conditions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship Oscar Dyson cruises in the Bering Sea during...- dataset NetCDF XML Archive
Long-term observations on the Bering Sea shelf: biophysical mooring data from...
Biophysical measurements have been made at mooring Site 2 (56.88N, 164.03W) almost continuously since 1995, providing the longest near continuous time-series of biophysical...- dataset Archive XML
Underway Seawater Sampling Aboard NOAA ship Oscar Dyson in 2009, Forage Distr...
This data set contains measurements of oceanographic conditions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship Oscar Dyson cruises in the Bering Sea during...- dataset NetCDF XML Archive