Marine Regions Boundary Data for the Bering Sea Shelf and Slope
This dataset contains data and documentation on the agreed-upon marine region boundaries for the Bering Sea Project study area. These data are intended to facilitate analysis...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII XML
PSEA-10-01 Nitrate and carbon uptake rates (in-situ) and particulate carbon a...
This dataset includes data from the U.S. Coast Guard Polar Sea 10-01 cruise. The data are formatted as Excel and PDF documents. These are the results of in-situ incubations of...- dataset Excel PDF
Nitrogen and carbon uptake rates (on-deck) and particulate carbon and nitroge...
This dataset includes data from the HLY0701, HLY0802, HLY0803, HLY0902, and KN195-10 cruises. The data are formatted as Excel and PDF documents. These are the results of...- dataset Excel PDF
Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise NBP0304A Underway Data
This dataset contains the results of the Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP) ship data acquisition system data logger from the SBI Palmer Cruise NBP0304A. All data have been compressed...- dataset OTHER PDF Image Movie ASCII Archive Binary
Primary Production Estimate of Sea Ice Algae [Gradinger, R.]
This data set includes Primary Production Estimates of Sea Ice Algae collected during the SBI spring U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy 2002 cruise. See the readme file for...- dataset PDF
The Global Distribution of Freshwater Wetlands
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
West Siberian Lowland Peatland GIS Data Collection
This dataset contains the West Siberian Lowland (WSL) peatland GIS data collection. The collection covers the entire West Siberian lowland and was compiled from a wide array of...- dataset PDF Archive