GOES-13 Imager 4 km All Channel Data - netCDF
This data set contains the 4-km all channel GOES-13 satellite data over the contiguous United States during the PECAN project. The GOES-13 channels are visible (channel 1),...- dataset Archive
GOES-13 Imager 1 km Channel 1 (Visible) Data
This data set contains the 1km resolution visible channel data over the southeastern United States from the GOES-13 satellite during the VORTEX-SE_2016 field campaign. The data...- dataset Archive
GOES-West Imager Visible CH1 Data
This dataset contains GOES-15 Imager CH1 Visible Satellite data (AREA format). The data are provided as TAR/GNU zip files. Each tar file contains all routine GOES sectors...- dataset Archive
GOES-13 Satellite Cloud Products Data
This dataset contains NASA Langley Satellite Cloud products from the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. These data...- dataset Archive
NASA Seasonal-Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) Model Output
This is Model data from the NASA Seasonal-Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) for the NAME Model Assessment Project (NAMAP). NCAR/EOL has performed no Quality Control on this...- dataset Archive
Spectral Albedo [Grenfell, T., and B. Light]
As part of ice-albedo feedback studies during SHEBA, we measured spectral and wavelength-integrated albedos. Measurements were made at least weekly every 2.5 m along a 200-m...- dataset Archive ASCII
GOES-14 Imager 1 km Channel 1 (Visible) Data (MciDAS Format)
This dataset contains 1-km resolution GOES-14 visible channel satellite data collected during the PECAN project. GOES-14 was brought out of storage during the first part of...- dataset Archive
GOES-13 Imager 4 km All Channel Data
This data set contains the 4km resolution all channel data over the southeastern United States from the GOES-13 satellite during the VORTEX-SE_2016 field campaign. The GOES-13...- dataset Archive
GOES 12 1KM Channel 1 Visible Imagery, NetCDF
This dataset contains NetCDF format 1km resolution images from the GOES-12 satellite. Images are for the period and area of the START08 project.- dataset Archive
NCEP GFS Single Column Model Forcing Data
This dataset contains forcing data for NCEP GFS Single Column Model (GFS-SCM) at 25 points in the VOCALS region from October 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008. The forcing data were...- dataset Archive
NCEP Regional Spectral Model (RSM) output
This dataset contains output from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Regional Spectral Model (RSM). The data are for the NAME Model Assessment Project...- dataset Archive
The Cloud and Surface Parameter Retrieval - Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CASPR-ARCMIP) EASE GRID dataset consists of SHEBA AVHRR Arctic satellite...- dataset Archive
Seward Peninsula Sites CDs
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
GOES-13 Imager 1 km Channel 1 (Visible) Data - netCDF
This data set contains the 1-km visible channel GOES-13 satellite data over the central United States during the PECAN project. During PECAN GOES-13 was stationed at 75W. These...- dataset Archive
Cayenne Meteo-10 Satellite Cloud Products Data
This dataset contains NASA Langley Satellite Cloud products from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in Cayenne, French...- dataset Archive
GOES-East 3-hourly 4km Multi-Spectral Channel NetCDF Data Eastern Pacific
This dataset contains NetCDF-formatted GOES-8 Satellite data at 4 kilometer resolution. The data contain all 4KM channels (Visible, Water Vapor, 3.9, 10, and 12 micron, lat/lon...- dataset Archive
Model ECMWF Column Output (ASCII) [Bretherton, C.]
This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains four files per day of...- dataset Archive
GOES-15 NASA Langley Cloud and Radiation Properties Data
This data set contains the GOES-15 retrievals of cloud and radiation properties produced by NASA Langley Research Center using the VISST (Visible Infrared Solar-infrared...- dataset Archive
Cloud Product Retrievals from Satellite
3km resolution cloud property data and imagery derived from Terra/Aqua MODIS, GOES-16 ABI, Meteosat-10 SEVIRI, and NOAA-20 VIIRS satellite observations for the CAESAR (Cold Air...- dataset Archive
GOES-10 Imager Visible Channel data (AREA files)
This dataset contains GOES-10 Imager Visible Channel AREA files, provided in gzip format. This dataset covers the area and timespan of the VOCALS project.- dataset Archive