Argentina, Climatic Normals, 1931-1960
This volume contains values averaged or summed by month and entire time period of climate observations collected from 80 towns located in 23 provinces or territories of...- dataset Physical Media
Meteorological data recorded at agricultural, hydrological, and synoptic stat...
These volumes contain weekly summaries for 41 stations where observations were collected. The contents include: Weekly mean of temperature (mean, max, min), dew point at 0600,...- dataset Physical Media
Canadian climate summary: Monthly review of Canadian climate and water
This resource contains climatological information observed and compiled by the Canadian Meteorological Centre. It includes visual summary of monthly information; Maps of...- dataset Physical Media
The Annual Cycle Part I: The Annual Variation of Surface Temperature Over the...
Daily maximum and minimum surface temperatures for 354 second-order U.S. and Canadian stations generally spanning 40-80 years are used to calculate the following quantities for...- publication PDF
Catalogue of Meteorological Data Obtained During the Line Islands Experiment ...
The Line Islands Experiment, February-April 1967, was designed to provide comprehensive meteorological data in the oceanic part of the Equatorial Trough Zone. This document is a...- publication PDF
Climatological Atlas: 1950-1979 Surface Air Temperature, Precipitation, Sea-l...
Monthly surface air temperatures (TMP), sea-level pressures (SLP), sea surface temperatures (SST) and precipitation (PRC) from two complementary historical data sets are used to...- publication PDF
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2019
Climate informatics is an emerging research area that combines the fields of climate science and data science (specifically machine learning, data mining and statistics) to...- publication PDF
The Annual Variation of Surface Temperatures Over the World
The Annual variation of surface temperatures over the world.- publication PDF
Statistical Analysis of Compressed Climate Data
[Note: this Technical Note was updated on 2020-08-17 per the authors' request to correct an error. See the description of the change on page two of the document's front matter.]...- publication PDF
Harry Van Loon Symposium, Studies in Climate II
This symposium was held to celebrate Harry van Loon's contribution to Climate Studies. Harry van Loon has been a scientist at NCAR since 1963. Since that time he has published...- publication PDF
Climate of the Upper Air: Southern Hemisphere: Volume 1: Temperatures, Dew Po...
This is the first volume in a set of four volumes which depict the upper air climatology of the world, covering selected climatic conditions in the Southern Hemisphere. Volume I...- publication PDF
The Mean Circulation of the Tropical and Subtropical Atmosphere-July
The purpose of this atlas is to provide a long-term data set to describe the mean structure of the tropical atmosphere straddling the equator for the period of the northern...- publication PDF
A User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase 1 Database
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) is an ongoing multi-institutional, international effort addressing the response of biogeography and...- publication PDF
Climatology of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer Region: A Report of the Water Dec...
Since 2000, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has identified eight droughts nationwide as billion-dollar weather disasters based on both damages and costs,...- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics From January and July Simulation With the NCAR Communi...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) Climate Downscaling Dataset
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) climate downscaling dataset was created to provide a high-resolution depiction of present and future climate scenarios in the...- publication PDF
CAMELS: Large-Sample Hydrometeorological Dataset
This is a community data set of daily forcing and hydrologic response data for 671 small- to medium-sized basins across the contiguous United States (median basin size of 336...- dataset ASCII Shapefile
WRF Large-Eddy Simulation Data from Realtime Runs Used to Support UAS Operati...
Realtime micro-scale weather simulations were performed to support UAV (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle) flights during the ISARRA Lower Atmospheric Process Studies at Elevation â...- dataset ASCII Archive
AirNow and Low Cost Sensor PM2.5 During Extreme Wildfires in Sonoma County, 2020
This data collection includes AirNow measurements of PM2.5 from the Sebastopol station as well as PurpleAir measurements of PM2.5 within Sonoma County, California, USA. Data is...- dataset ASCII
Data for "Improvements in wintertime surface temperature variability in the C...
This dataset contains all the postprocessed data required to reproduce the figures in the publication Simpson et al (2022) "Improvements in wintertime surface temperature...- dataset Archive