Rosemount, MN Precipitation Data
This data set consists of precipitation data collected at the Rosemount, MN site operated by Dr. John Baker of the USDA/ARS. Both tipping bucket and weighing gauge observations...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Ozone Column Data
This dataset contains the Ron Brown ozonesonde profile data.- dataset ASCII
Roundy Tropical Cyclone Probability Forecast Imagery
This data set contains long-range (28 day) probabilistic forecasts of tropical cyclones that develop in association with convectively coupled atmospheric waves and intraseasonal...- dataset Image
HIAPER Atmospheric Radiation Package (HARP) Data
This data set contains HIAPER Atmospheric Radiation Package (HARP) data collected during the CSET (Cloud Systems Evolution in the Trades) project from 1 July to 8 August 2015....- dataset NetCDF
NOAA P-3 Aircraft Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Data - NetCDF...
The NAME Aircraft: P-3 Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters dataset in network common data form (netCDF) is one of several datasets provided by the National Center for...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR GV (HIAPER) Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Micr...
These are the final low-rate HIAPER flight level data files for the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emission -Sprite Spectra-HEFT-09 (ADELE_SPRITE) in netCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
NCAR GV (HIAPER) Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Micr...
This dataset includes low rate navigation, state parameter, and microphysics flight-level data collected by the NCAR GV during HIPPO-2. The data are in NASA Ames format and are...- dataset ASCII
Particle Into Liquid Sampler 2 (PILS2) two minute integrated cations, anions,...
Particle Into Liquid Sampler 2 (PILS2) two minute integrated cations, anions, levoglucosan, and organic acids measured by a PILS coupled to a fraction collector with off-line...- dataset ASCII
OU MAP WRF ARW Deterministic and Ensemble 2-D Fields
This data set contains selected 2-D fields from the University of Oklahoma WRF-ARW Deterministic and Ensemble model forecasts that were generated daily during the PECAN field...- dataset Archive
MP2 UAH MIPS Surface Meteorology Data
This data set contains surface meteorological observations at one second intervals from the surface meteorological station that was collocated with the PECAN Mobile PISA 2...- dataset ASCII Image
Gosan (Kosan) Aerosol Optical Size Distribution [0.4-10 um]
This data set contains NOAA Climet OPC processed data for Kosan during the ACE-Asia experiment.- dataset ASCII
R/V Discoverer H-TDMA 035nm Aerosol Data (leg 2)
This dataset contains measurements from the Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (H-TDMA) aboard the NOAA R/V Discoverer during the ACE-1 intensive operations....- dataset ASCII
METCRAXII ISS Surface Meteorology Data
METCRAX-II was the second experiment studying the atmospheric boundary layer of the Arizona Meteor Crater. METCRAX-II investigated downslope-windstorm-type flows that develop...- dataset NetCDF
Northwest Mexico NAME Event Raingage Network (NERN) 12 Hourly Data
This dataset contains 12 hourly precipitation data from the NAME Event Raingage Network (NERN). This raingage network consists of 100 tipping bucket raingages that have been...- dataset Archive
Battelle (US DOE) Gulfstream-I 10-sec Aircraft Data
This dataset contains the 10-sec averaged aircraft data from the Kuwait Oil-Fire Smoke Experiment (KOFSE) from the aircraft Battelle (US DOE) Gulfstream-I. Data were collected...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the QueenAir, B-80 aircraft (Tail Number N306D) during the CONS project. This dataset contains low rate navigation,...- dataset GENPRO
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) Field Moments data collected during the SAANGRIA Test project from 14 February 2013 to 3 March 2013. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
NWS Cooperative Observer 15-min Precipitation Data
This dataset contains 15 minute precipitation data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Cooperative (COOP) data for the IHOP_2002 domain. The observations in this...- dataset ASCII
Gosan (Kosan) TSP Major Ions (ASCII)
This data set includes the total suspended particulate (TSP) particle-phase concentrations of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium ions and chloride collected from the Gosan Supersite...- dataset ASCII
Toolik 3-Hourly Average Weather Data [Shaver, G.]
This data set contains weather data from the Arctic Tundra Long Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) site at Toolik Lake. Only the sensors that are measured every 10 minutes...- dataset ASCII