Cayenne Honeywell Flight Track Data (kml)
This dataset contains flight track data from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in Cayenne, French Guiana. The data is...- dataset KML
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the Atmospheric Forcing of...- dataset NetCDF
PTR-ToF-MS Measurements of Selected NMVOCs Data
NSF/NCAR C-130 PTR-ToF-MS (Proton-Transfer-Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer) Measurements of 24 selected NMVOCs Data collected during the WE-CAN (Western Wildfire...- dataset ASCII
DRI CCN Spectral Input
Desert Research Institute (DRI) CCN Spectral Input data obtained from the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft from 14 July to 15 August 2008 during the Physics of Stratocumulus Tops...- dataset ASCII
Giant Nuclei Impactor (GNI) NaCl-equivalent Sea-Salt Size Distributions
This dataset contains Giant Nuclei Impactor (GNI) NaCl-equivalent Sea-Salt Size Distributions collected by the NSF/NCAR C-130 during the ICE-T project- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber (CFDC) Measurements
Ice nucleating particle (INPs) concentration data from the Colorado State University Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber (CFDC) that was aboard the NSF NCAR C-130 aircraft for the...- dataset ASCII
FGGE Dropwindsondes, 1978Dec-1979Jul (from Shea)
This dataset contains dropwindsonde data from the First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) Special Observation Periods 1 (December 7, 1978 to February 26, 1979) and 2 (May 6, 1979 to...- dataset Binary
Miscellaneous GATE Surface and Upper Air Data, 1974jun-1974sep
This collection of surface and upper air observations were made during the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE). GATE was the first major experiment of the Global...- dataset Binary ASCII
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Radiosonde Observation Feedback Record Reports
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Radiosonde Observation Feedback Record Reports include 6 hourly upper air radiosonde observation (RAOB) feedback record reports from RAOBs used in the...- dataset ASCII
Global Tropical Cyclone "Best Track" Position and Intensity Data
Time series of tropical cyclone "best track" position and intensity data are provided for all ocean basins where tropical cyclones occur. Position and intensity data are...- dataset ASCII
Australian Aircraft Observations, daily 1971Dec-1989
The aircraft observations here were received from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's "real-time" archive.- dataset ASCII
Global Level IIb Upper Air and Surface Observations for FGGE
DSS obtained this data, after errors were corrected in the original data.- dataset Binary ASCII
NCEP ADP Operational Global Upper Air Observations, December 1972 - February ...
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic upper air data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
U.S.A.F. Global Upper Air Observations, daily 1966Jul-1969Aug
Global upper air observations from the U.S.A.F. for the period from July 1966 to August 1969.- dataset Binary
U.S.A.F. ETAC DATSAV TD57 Global Aircraft Observations, 1947-1985
Two periods (1947Jan-1959Jan and 1976Jan-1985Dec) of global aircraft observations from U.S.A.F. ETAC decode and obtained by DSS.- dataset Binary ASCII
NMC DST II Data for GARP, 1974May-1976May
DSS obtained this data and/or extracted it from other datasets for the Global Atmospheric Research Project.- dataset Binary
New Zealand Aircraft Data
This dataset contains aircraft reports from New Zealand. Each report contains date, aircraft ID, location, temperature, and wind information.- dataset ASCII
ALPEX Dropwindsondes, spring 1982
Dropwindsonde data from the ALPine EXperiment (ALPEX) in the Spring of 1982 are available from this dataset, which includes post-processed and 10-second data.- dataset Binary
Kuwait Oil Fires Archive, 1991
This is data extracted from various NCEP observed and analyzed datasets and then put in our RPTOUT format to support the Kuwait Oil Fires studies.- dataset Binary ASCII
A Tropical Wind Climatology Derived from Aircraft Data, 1960-1973
Long term monthly mean winds were derived from a collection of aircraft data, which were obtained from two sources: 1) operational Global Telecommunication System (GTS) reports...- dataset Binary ASCII