DMSP SSM/I Cloud Liquid Water Imagery
The DMSP SSM/I Cloud Liquid Water Imagery (GIF) is one of several satellite products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus Phase-II:...- dataset Image
FP4 AERIoe Thermodynamic Profile Retrieval Data
This data set contains temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profile retrievals at five minute intervals (using the AERIoe algorithm) from the AERI (Atmospheric Emitted...- dataset NetCDF Image
NRL/Yale Linear Model Rockies Imagery
This dataset contains images developed by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) from their Linear Mountain Wave Forecast Model. The forecast products are for the Colorado Front...- dataset Image
GOES-11 16km Ch4 Thermal-IR Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains 16km CH4 thermal-IR imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Jackson to Douglas)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Jackson, WY to Douglas, WY...- dataset Image
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Maui site (PRELIMINARY)(GIF) [Andreas,...
NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Maui site). One of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice Camp. Other stations are Atlanta,...- dataset Image
DOE ARM Solar Radiation Ashton Kansas Imagery
This dataset contains Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Solar Radiation imagery for Ashton, Kansas produced during the DC3 project. The imagery are in PNG format. The...- dataset Image
GTS Skew-T Sounding Plots
This dataset contains GTS Skew-T Sounding Plots [man/ sig levels] for the Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) project taken twice daily from 20041104 - 20050201. These are...- dataset Image
NCEP GFS West Atlantic Forecast Products Imagery
This dataset contains gif images from the National Weather Service - National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) West Atlantic forecasts...- dataset Image
NSF/NCAR C-130 Wyoming Cloud Lidar Quicklook Imagery
This data set containsquicklook imagery from the Wyoming Cloud Lidar on-board the NSF/NCAR C-130 during PLOWS 2009-2010. The products include power and depolarization. The...- dataset Image
METAR Surface Observation Plots Imagery
This dataset includes imagery from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Surface Observations taken during the T-REX field project. These hourly National Weather Service...- dataset Image
ABRFC WSR-88D Stage III Daily Precipitation
This dataset contains data from the NOAA Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center. The ABRFC routinely ingests WSR-88D precipitation derived products (Level III) from each of...- dataset Image
GFDL Forecast Products
This dataset includes Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Forecast Products from the PREDICT field catalog. The files are png images and were taken during the...- dataset Image
NRL COAMPS Adjoint Sensitivity 60h Forecast
This data set contains NRL COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model 36-60 hour Sensitivity forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include the following sensitivities:...- dataset Image
NWS Southwest Sector Mosaic Reflectivity Imagery
This dataset includes Base Reflectivity imagery taken during the T-REX field project. from the Southwest sector of the United States. These observations were taken every 15...- dataset Image
The ACE-Asia Satellite POES NOAA SST ?Imagery? is available online. Images are in GIF format.- dataset Image
Mexico SMN-CNA C-band Weather Radar Imagery
This data set contains SMN_Radar imagery from the NAME Field Catalog. The following imagery products are included: Cuyutlan, Guasave, Los_Cabos, Obregon, Palmito.- dataset Image
GOES-10 Icing Probability Imagery
This dataset contains Icing Probability Imagery collected from the GOES-10 satellite during the VOCALS project. The GIF files cover the time period from September 12, 2008 to...- dataset Image
GOES 12 North 1KM Channel 1 Visible Imagery
This dataset includes GOES 12 North 1KM Channel 1 Visible Imagery from the VORTEX2 field catalog. The files are jpg images. See the catalog link in the related links section...- dataset Image
BoM GASP MSL Analysis Imagery
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) routinely produced Mean Sea Level (MSL) pressure analyses from its Global/Regional Assimilation Prognosis (GASP) model runs. Two model...- dataset Image