Collection Efficiency Tables for Membrane Filters Used in the Sampling and An...
This document reports the calculations of theoretical collection efficiencies of various membrane filters over a wide spectrum of filtration conditions and particle sizes....- publication PDF
Cloud Particle Measurement Symposium: Summaries and Abstracts
This report includes: Symposium Summaries: Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probes Summary /James E. Dye Optical Array Probes Summary /William A. Cooper General Topics...- publication PDF
Aircraft and Instrumentation in Atmospheric Research
This catalog provides convenient and reasonably comprehensive information on aircraft and associated instrumentation used for atmospheric research in the United States. The...- publication PDF
First CEDAR Database Report
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume X: Balloon 79R
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
Carrier Balloon Test Flights From Oakey, Australia, January 1973
This report summarizes the results of the Carrier Balloon Tests from Oakey, Australia, in January, 1973. The main objectives of these tests were to check out the launch hardware...- publication PDF
A Carrier Balloon for Tropical Soundings
During July 1970 to January 1971, a series of tests was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining wind data in the tropical troposphere and lower stratosphere by...- publication PDF
Superpressure Balloons for Horizontal Soundings of the Atmosphere
This report provides the status of superpressure balloon technology under one cover. It is a collection of previous reports and articles which have been updated on the basis of...- publication PDF
A Survey of Hawaii for Balloon Launch Sites
A group under Dr. Luis Alvarez at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, is preparing a balloon-borne particle physics experiment, designed for recovery at...- publication PDF
Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment: Daily Operations Summary
The Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment, TAMEX, is a research program undertaken by scientist from the Republic of China and the United States to improve, through enhanced...- publication PDF
Digital Control of Meteorological Systems
The state-variable matrix approach of modern control theory is applied to a multi-input, multi-output meteorological network. The problem of providing suitable controllers to...- publication PDF
Empirical Corrections to Instrument Artifacts in the MOPITT Data Stream
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Position Error Calibration of a Pressure Survey Aircraft Using a Trailing Cone
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Characterization of Uncertainty in Measurements of Wind from the NSF/NCAR Gul...
This technical note presents an analysis of uncertainty for measurements of wind from the Gulfstream V research aircraft operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research...- publication PDF
A Generalized Theoretical Analysis of Cross-correlation and Cross-spectra for...
In the analysis of data obtained from SA systems, the most common approach is to assume models of the diffraction pattern without relating it to the statistical properties of...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume V: Balloon 49R
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
The Relative Accuracy of ALPEX Aircraft Data / an Evaluation of the ALPEX Int...
During the ALPEX progran, three participating large research aircraft - the NCAR Electra, the NOAA P5, and the DFVLR Falcon - joined for an interccmparison flight. Using the...- publication PDF
Pulse Compression for Phased Array Weather Radars
This Technical Report is a reprint of the Final Report from NCAR's Atmospheric Technology Division on work performed from 1991 through 1995 for the FAA Terminal Area...- publication PDF
Tests of Balloon Materials: Prepared for the NCAR Scientific Balloon Facility
This report is part of a series prepared for the Materials Research Project of the NCAR Scientific Balloon Facility in order to extend the reliability and capabilities of...- publication PDF
Report on the MkIII Calibration and Quality Assurance Project
This report addresses the MkIII Calibration and Quality Assurance Project areas where effort needed to be applied were determined through an examination of current and...- publication PDF