HLY-02-03 Satellite, DMSP OLS 0.5KM Visible Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset consists of F-12, F-13, F-14 and F-15 DMSP visible channel imagery. Observations are at a 0.5KM resolution and cover the area and time of interest of the SBI U.S....- dataset Image
Satellite NOAA-14 VIS images (GIF) [Univ. of Wisconsin, SSEC]
This data set contains NOAA-14 VIS images (GIF) provided by SSEC at the University of Wisconsin. Images are available at 2200 UTC beginning on 3/9/98. Image resolution is 5 km.- dataset Image
GOES-East 3-hourly 4km Multi-Spectral Channel NetCDF Data Eastern Pacific
This dataset contains NetCDF-formatted GOES-8 Satellite data at 4 kilometer resolution. The data contain all 4KM channels (Visible, Water Vapor, 3.9, 10, and 12 micron, lat/lon...- dataset Archive
GOES-11 16km Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains 16km Channel 1 Visible imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-3 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
GOES-11 16km Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains 16km Channel 1 Visible imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-2 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
GOES-11 16km Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains 16km Channel 1 Visible imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
GOES-10 Imager Visible Channel Data
This dataset contains Imager Visible Channel data collected from the GOES-10 satellite during the VOCALS project. The files are in netCDF format and cover the time period from...- dataset NetCDF
AVHRR Aerosol Optical Depth
This dataset contains daily NOAA-14 AVHRR 4-km Global Area Coverage (GAC) measurements that were collected for January-March 1996-2000. Analyses were performed for ascending...- dataset Binary
GOES-East 1km Visible Channel TDF Data
The GOES-8 Satellite data is at 1 kilometer. The data cover the period from 1 September2001 to 15 October 2001. That data are in tdf format.- dataset OTHER
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) CONUS Sector Data
This data set contains the 5 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) over the continental United States during the period of TORUS_2019...- dataset Archive
GOES-8 4-km VIS CONUS Sector Satellite Imagery
GOES-8 Visible 4-km resolution continental US sector imagery during the SGP99 period in McIDAS AREA file format. These data are available for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-13 Imager 1 km Visible Data (MciDAS Format)
This dataset contains full resolution GOES-13 satellite data collected during the PREDICT project. The University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) made...- dataset Archive
HLY-02-03 Satellite, DMSP OLS Visible Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This data set consists of F-12, F-13, F-14 and F-15 DMSP visible channel imagery. Observations cover the area and time of interest of the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC)...- dataset Image
MTSAT-1R NZCH Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains NZCH Channel 1 Visible imagery from the MTSAT-1R satellite taken during the HIPPO-2 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
GMS-5 Visible Imagery
GMS-5 Visible (VIS) imagery collected during ACE-1 Intensive Operations in Hobart, Tasmania, via the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, then converted to GIF image format. These...- dataset Image
GMS-5 VIS Aircraft Track Imagery
GMS-5 Visible (VIS) imagery (with aircraft track overlaid on plot )collected during ACE-1 Intensive Operations in Hobart, Tasmania, via the Australian Bureau of Meteorology,...- dataset Image
Terra MODIS Data
This data set contains the 1 km resolution data from the NASA Terra satellite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument during the ORCAS (The O2/N2 Ratio...- dataset Archive
GOES-11 1km Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains 1km Channel 1 Visible imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the ICE-L project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
Meteosat-7 Visible (Channel 1) Raw Uncalibrated Data in NetCDF Format
This data set contains 2.5 km resolution Meteosat-7 visible (channel 1) satellite data over the DYNAMO region. Data are available at 30 minute intervals and are in the NetCDF...- dataset NetCDF
FRONT satellite, qpe, and miscellaneous data sets, in MDV format for CIDD
This data set consists of FRONT satellite, qpe, and miscellaneous data sets, in MDV format for CIDD collected continuously during the FRONT (Front Range Observational Network...- dataset Archive