University of Missouri 10-second Vertical Resolution Radiosonde Data Set
This data set includes high vertical resolution (10-second) soundings from the University of Missouri mobile sounding site from the Profiling of Winter Storms (PLOWS) 2008-2009...- dataset ASCII
IMARPE R/V Jose Olaya GAUS Radiosonde Data (EOL Format)
This dataset contains data from the NCAR GPS Advanced Upper-Air Sounding System (GAUS) onboard the Research Vessel Jose Olaya for the VAMOS Ocean-Cloud Atmosphere-Land Study...- dataset ASCII
Indonesia Site - Manado Radiosonde L3.2 Data
This data set includes 361 high vertical resolution soundings from Manado, Indonesia (WMO 97014) collected during the DYNAMO field campaign for 2011-12. Soundings were typically...- dataset ASCII
Male Radiosonde L3 Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) 2011-2012 project. This data set includes 323 high vertical...- dataset ASCII
SOAS Quality Controlled ISS Radiosonde Data
This data set contains sounding data collected from June 1 to July 15, 2013 as part of the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS). A total of 105 quality controlled soundings...- dataset ASCII
NOAA Wind Profiler Network Hourly RASS
This dataset contains the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 405 MHZ Wind Profiler Network (NPN) hourly Radio Acoustic Sounding System data from 2 sites...- dataset ASCII
NWS High-Resolution Radiosonde Data
The Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) 6-second National Weather Service (NWS) Soundings dataset contains high resolution sounding data extracted from NWS MicroART Sounding...- dataset ASCII
FASTEX 5-millibar Resolution Sounding Composite
This data set consists of a composite of all FASTEX sounding data interpolated to 5-millibar vertical levels collected from the 45 platforms in the experiment domain. This data...- dataset ASCII
DOE ARM SGP AERI Vertical Profile Data
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program operates an Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) at the Central Facility of its...- dataset NetCDF
GTS Rawinsonde Skew-T Plots
The ACE-ASIA Upper Air: GTS Upper-Air SkewT Plots (JOSS) are online data. All data is in GIF format.- dataset Image
Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP)
This dataset contains NGV Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) data measured aboard the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV aircraft (Tail Number N677F) during the TI3GER project.- dataset ASCII
Phoenix, Arizona SRP High Resolution Rawinsonde Data
This data set includes 360 high vertical resolution (5-sec) soundings from the Phoenix, Arizona sounding site (WMO 74626) from 8 June to 24 September 2004. This station is...- dataset ASCII
National Weather Service High Resolution Radiosonde Data
The National Weather Service (NWS) routinely releases radiosondes at 00 and 12 UTC with occasional special releases at sites throughout the United States. This data set includes...- dataset ASCII
Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) [Haggerty, EOL/RAF]
This dataset contains NGV Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) data measure aboard the NSF/NCAR GV during HIPPO-4. The data are in NASA AMES format.- dataset ASCII
Mexico SMN-CNA Rawinsonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment (RAINEX). It includes 94 high resolution vertical (2 second)...- dataset ASCII
NWS Storm Prediction Center Severe Thunderstorm Mesoanalysis Imagery
This dataset includes NWS Storm Prediciton Center Severe Thunderstorm Mesoanalysis Imagery from the VORTEX2 2009 and 2010 Field Catalogs. Imagery files are only available for...- dataset Image
Radiosonde Cross Section Imagery
This data set contains Cross_Section imagery from the NAME Field Catalog. The following imagery products are included: across_southern_gulf_of_CA, across_northern_gulf_of_CA,...- dataset Image
Curacao Rawinsonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment (RAINEX). This data set includes 95 high vertical resolution (2...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR G-V QC Dropsonde Data (EOL)
This data set contains dropsonde data collected by the NCAR Airborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) on board the NSF/NCAR HIAPER G-V aircraft. A total of 17...- dataset ASCII
NCAR GAUS Rawinsonde SkewT Plots [EOL]
This dataset contains NCAR GAUS Rawinsonde SkewT plots for the Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) project taken daily at Spanish Point from from December 8th, 2004 through...- dataset Image