Airflow and Hail Growth in Supercell Storms and Some Implications for Hail Su...
This paper presents evidence that the competing embryo concept is not valid for what we have termed the archetypal supercell. Multiple radar and aircraft observations of a...- publication PDF
Field Observations of the Kinematics of Hailstones
This report studies the kinematic behavior of naturally falling hailstones using stroboscopic photography in a mobile van. The experiment is described and the results concerning...- publication PDF
Relationships Between Crop Damage and Hailfall Parameters on the High Plains
This report describes an experimental program that was conducted during the summer of 1975 to obtain data required to estimate crop-hail damage functions, i.e., empirical...- publication PDF
Contributions of the Liquid and Ice Phases to Global Surface Precipitation: O...
This study is the first to reach a global view of the precipitation process partitioning, using a combination of satellite and global climate modeling data. The pathways...- dataset ASCII XML
SnowModel Pan-Arctic Data 1979-2009
This data set contains pan-Arctic snow property estimates of distributed air temperature, snow precipitation, snow-season timing and length, maximum snow water equivalent depth...- dataset ASCII Archive Binary
Pan-Arctic Land Surface (PALS) model drivers and outputs
This data set includes forcing data and output fields for multimodel simulations of pan-Arctic hydrology. All models were forced with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather...- dataset Archive
North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) Dataset
The NARCCAP data archive contains output from 6 regional climate models (RCMs) run over a domain covering most of North America using boundary conditions from 4 different global...- dataset NetCDF