HLY-09-02 Raw Seabeam Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes raw binary data from the Seabeam 2112 instrument onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Archive
HLY-09-02 Elog Event Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC)...- dataset Archive PDF XML ASCII
HLY-08-02 POSMV and Navigation Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes files that the POSMV Navigation computer logged onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Archive
HLY-08-01 Raw Knudsen 320B/R Depth Sounder Data [Cooper, L./LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the Knudsen 320B/R Depth Sounder system onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Archive
HLY-06-01 Elog Event Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy...- dataset Archive XML ASCII
Mesozooplankton population and biomass in the eastern Bering Sea - CalVET dat...
In order to contribute to the assessment of the state and variability of the species composition, abundance and biomass of the populations forming the ecosystem of the Eastern...- dataset Excel
HLY-08-01 Elog Event Data [Cooper, L./LDEO]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy...- dataset Archive XML ASCII
HLY-08-02 Raw 75 KHz ADCP Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the 75 KHz ADCP system onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Archive
HLY-07-01 EK60 Acoustic Backscatter Data [DeRobertis, A.]
This dataset includes Acoustic Backscatter Data taken during the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset PDF ASCII
HLY-08-03 Aloftcon Camera Images [Sambrotto/LDEO]
This dataset includes images from the AloftCon web camera on the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy taken during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Image
HLY-09-02 Aloftcon Camera Images [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes images from the AloftCon web camera on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Image
HLY-07-02 LDEO One Minute Averaged Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the underway instruments onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the 2007 0702 cruise. The data are summarized into an averaged one...- dataset Shapefile ASCII
Mesozooplankton population and biomass in the eastern Bering Sea - MOCNESS da...
In order to contribute to the assessment of the state and variability of the species composition, abundance and biomass of the populations forming the ecosystem of the Eastern...- dataset Excel
HLY-06-01 XBT Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) system onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the 2006 HLY0601 cruise. The data files with the...- dataset ASCII
KN195-10 Raw Knudsen 320B/R Depth Sounder Data [Sambrotto/WHOI]
This dataset includes data from the Knudsen 320B/R Depth Sounder system onboard the UNOLS R/V Knorr ship during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset ASCII
HLY-09-01 LDEO One Minute Averaged Data [Cooper, L./LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the underway instruments onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Shapefile ASCII
HLY-08-01 Fantail Camera Images [Cooper, L./LDEO]
This dataset includes images from the Fantail web camera on the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Image
USCGC Healy HLY-09-02 Ship Log - Weather Information [US Coast Guard]
This dataset includes files of weather data recorded by the U.S. Coast Guard onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea...- dataset Excel
HLY-06-01 Forward Thermosalinograph Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the Forward Thermosalinograph system onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the 2006 HLY0601 cruise. The data are in the SeaBird format...- dataset ASCII
HLY-08-01 and HLY-08-02 Observations of Marine Mammals of Beringia [Ray, G.C.]
This dataset contains marine mammal observations onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset Excel ASCII Image