ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis ShortWaveDown Radiation
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis ShortWaveDown Radiation data. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on National Centers for Environmental...- dataset Archive
Oxygen and Deuterium Isotope Measurements from Siberia, 2002-2004
Investigators performed a stable isotope analysis of rain, snow, the Kolyma River, and a local stream near Cherskii, Siberia from 30 June 2002 through 27 April 2004. As part of...- dataset Archive
Landsat Derived Historical Lake Extents for the Barrow Peninsula
This data set consists of Lake extent maps for the Barrow peninsula from five historical Landsat satellite images classified by a hierarchical classification system. Normalized...- dataset Archive
Elevated Soil Temperature and Water Table Manipulation Data from Barrow, Alas...
This data set contains elevated soil temperature and water table manipulation measurements taken at a tundra site near Barrow, Alaska, USA. Eighteen 60-cm diameter polycarbonate...- dataset ASCII
Lake Sediment Thermal Properties for Emaiksoun Lake (Barrow, Alaska)
Lake sediment thermal property measurements were made on Emaiksoun Lake (also known as "Freshwater Lake"). This lake is located on the south end of town in Barrow,...- dataset Excel
ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis Temperature, Aggregated by Administrative Regions
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis Temperature Data, Aggregated by Administrative Regions. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on National Centers...- dataset Archive
Benthos and Water Column Process Influences, Northeast Water Polynya Project,...
These data include physical and biological parameters measured to address the influence of water column processes on the benthos in the Northeast Water Polynya Project on the...- dataset ASCII
Synthesis and Scaling of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Data on the North Slop...
Understanding land-ocean-atmosphere coupling is essential for developing an integrated view of the arctic system, and is a key component of the Study of the Northern Alaska...- dataset Excel
ArcticRIMS: Daily Simulated Runoff From Pan-Arctic Water Balance Model , Aggr...
Daily runoff is generated using the Pan-Arctic Water Balance Model (P/WBM) [Rawlins et al., 2003]. The P/WBM simulates the high-latitude water cycle by utilizing gridded fields...- dataset Archive
Pan-Arctic Land Surface (PALS) model drivers and outputs
This data set includes forcing data and output fields for multimodel simulations of pan-Arctic hydrology. All models were forced with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather...- dataset Archive
Intersection of Climate Change, Water Resources and Humans in the Arctic
This data set contains two spreadsheets. One contains data consisting of conductivity and temperature at sites on the Seward Peninsula. The other contains records of E. coli and...- dataset Excel
ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis Wind Direction
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis Wind Direction data. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on National Centers for Environmental...- dataset Archive
Water Temperature and Bathymetric Depth Soundings for Lakes near Barrow
This dataset contains Water Temperature and Bathymetric Depth Soundings for Lakes near Barrow, AK. Onset Water Temperature Pro v2 loggers were used in each of the five lakes....- dataset Excel OTHER Archive
Lena River ADCP Transects
This data set consists of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) transect stream sampling of the Lena River taken from the Moskovskii-11 hydrographic survey vessel. A...- dataset Archive
ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis LongWaveDown Radiation, Aggregated by Administrat...
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis LongWaveDown Radiation Data, Aggregated by Administrative Regions. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on...- dataset Archive
ArcticRIMS: Daily Precipitation From Statistical Reconstructions , Aggregated...
Providing rapid updates of gridded precipitation fields is difficult due to the degradation of the station network. Starting about 1990, many stations in the Former Soviet Union...- dataset Archive
Canadian Rivers Data Set
This data set contains daily river discharge rates for 20 rivers, and depth for one river, in Arctic Canada between 1943 and 1989. The data were obtained from Environment...- dataset ASCII
Water temperature and bathymetric depth soundings for lakes on the North Slop...
A regional assessment of thermokarst lakes across the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska was conducted using satellite images to detect changes in lake coverage and morphometry...- dataset Archive
Russian and Norwegian River Daily Discharge from ArcticRIMS
This dataset includes Arctic river daily discharge data covering 66 gauges from Russia (58) and Norway (8). Most of these gauges represent unique Arctic Ocean drainage basins in...- dataset ASCII
Recovered Drained Thaw Lake Basins (DTLBs) on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Ala...
Paleoshorelines of Drained Thaw Lake Basins (DTLBs) on the Alaskan North Slope were mapped using the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Digital Elevation Model (InSAR DEM)...- dataset Archive