AeroLaser Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV) Fluorescence In Situ Carbon monoxide (CO)...
The AeroLaser Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV) resonance fluorescence instrument measured carbon monoxide concentrations from the NSF/NCAR GV during HIPPO-4. This dataset contains RAF...- dataset ASCII
In Situ Chemiluminescence NO, NOy, O3 Data
This data set contains In Situ Chemiluminescence nitric oxide (NO), total reactive nitrogen (NOy), and ozone (O3) mixing ratio data collected aboard the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the WAVE project. This dataset...- dataset NetCDF
Digital Camera Movies - preliminary
During the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE), the NSF/NCAR C-130 (Tail Number C130_N130AR) flew digital cameras for in-flight video capture....- dataset Movie
CSET Chat Logs
This dataset contains the scrubbed chat logs from the CSET (Cloud Systems Evolution in the Trades) study from 1 July 2015 to 15 August 2015. These chat logs contain...- dataset ASCII
Downward-Looking Digital Camera Imagery
During ARISTO2016, the NSF/NCAR C-130 (Tail Number N130AR) flew a downward looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once...- dataset Archive ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter PDI Derived Drizzle Rates
This data set is comprised of time and Drizzle Rate (R) data. R was calculated using data collected by the Phase Doppler Interferometer and is in units of mm/day. The data were...- dataset ASCII
NCAR Electra Formaldehyde data
This data set contains the formaldehyde data obtained from the NCAR Electra during the Kuwait Oil-Fire Smoke Experiment (KOFSE). Data were collected in May 1991. Files are in...- dataset ASCII
U. of Warsaw 1-hz Ultra Fast Thermometer (UFT) hot-wire temperature - netCDF ...
This data set contains UFT data obtained during the "Physics of Stratocumuls Tops" (POST) project off the west coast of Monterey, CA. This data set contains 1hertz UFT...- dataset NetCDF Archive
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT (RRUN) Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the Convective Initiation...- dataset NetCDF
WINTER Chat Logs
This dataset contains the scrubbed chat logs from the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) project from 1 February 2015 - 15 March 2015....- dataset ASCII
This data set contains CU CIMS perhydroxyl radical (HO2), HO2+RO2 data collected during the Southeast Atmosphere Study (SAS) from 30 May 2013 through 17 July 2013. These data...- dataset ASCII
HIPPO-1 Multiple Enclosure Device for Unfractionated Sampling of Air (MEDUSA)...
The Multiple Enclosure Device for Unfractionated Sampling of Air (MEDUSA) flask data contains measurements of O2, CO2, Ar/N2 13CO2, and C18O16O. The data were collected by the...- dataset ASCII
PMS-2D Two-dimensional Cloud Probe data [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset contains raw (binary "filmstrip" imagery) files of PMS-2D data collected by the C-130 during the Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science...- dataset Binary
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR QueenAir, B-80 aircraft (Tail Number N306D) during the Texas High Plains Experiment (TexasHIPLEX)...- dataset NetCDF
Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer (AIMR) [NCAR/EOL/RSF]
This data set includes Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer (AMIR) measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130 aircraft (Tail Number: N130AR)...- dataset Binary
NSF/NCAR C-130 Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR)
This dataset contains Wyoming Cloud Radar data in NetCDF format. These data were collected during VOCALS-Rex on the NSF/NCAR C-130 from 2008 October 15 to 2008 November 15.- dataset NetCDF
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number N312D) during ROSE-Air II project. This...- dataset NetCDF
Ivotuk Shrub Site Grid Description with Photo [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a grid description and photo for the Ivotuk 2 (Shrub) grid on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were collected on the grid in 1998.- dataset PDF
SNOWIE Chat Logs
This dataset contains the scrubbed chat logs from SNOWIE (Seeded and Natural Orographic Wintertime Clouds: The Idaho Experiment) from 8 January - 16 March, 2017. These chat logs...- dataset ASCII