NCAR/EOL 915MHz Wind Profiler Winds and Rass Data (Sadorus)
This dataset contains 915 MHz wind profiler data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the Sadorus site in central Illinois during the Flatland...- dataset Archive
MIPS Microwave Profiling Radiometer Imagery
This data set contains daily time-height contour plots of temperature, water vapor, relative humidity and cloud liquid water and daily surface meteorological time series of...- dataset OTHER
FASTEX soundings from Scoresbysund (Greenland)
This dataset consists of sounding data from Scoresbysund in Greenland (WMO 04339) which was operated by the Danish Meteorological Institute. Soundings were taken four times per...- dataset ASCII
WLEF High-Frequency Flux Data
This dataset contains the 10 Hz turbulent time series of sonic anemometer 3D winds, CO2, CH4 and H2O concentrations from the WLEF-TV US-PFa Park Falls very tall Ameriflux tower...- dataset NetCDF
Skew-T Plots: Hilo
This dataset contains upper air Skew-T Log-P charts taken at Hilo, Hawaii during the HIPPO-3 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span from...- dataset Image
Canadian GEM Global Model Forecast Imagery
This data set contains the four panel forecast imagery from the Environment Canada global GEM model over North America. The panels contain 500 mb height/wind/vorticity, mean sea...- dataset Image
ACE-1: Cape Grim ISS 915MHz Wind Profiler Winds and RASS Data
This dataset contains 915 MHz wind profiler data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at Cape Grim during the Southern Hemisphere Marine Aerosol...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL Quality Controlled Radiosonde Data: SAVANT 2018
At the Homestead site (ISS1), 41 successful radiosondes were launched during the SAVANT campaign. Soundings were launched on select days for the duration of the campaign, with...- dataset NetCDF
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the Gulfstream-V High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research (NSF/NCAR HIAPER) aircraft...- dataset NetCDF
UK BAE-146 Navigation, State Parameter, Microphysics, Aerosol, and Chemistry ...
This data set contains state parameter, microphysics and navigation data from the BAE-146 aircraft during the RICO project. The data are all 1 Hz averaged with the main data...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV aircraft (Tail Number N677F) during the ProgSci project. This dataset contains low rate...- dataset NetCDF
High Rate Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-Level Data [NC...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130 aircraft (Tail Number: N130AR) during the Southern Great Plains 1999...- dataset NetCDF
NCEP GFS Global Analysis - GRIB format
This dataset from the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START08) consists of NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) model analysis files in grib format. The...- dataset Archive
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV aircraft (Tail Number N677F) during the ORCAS (The O2/N2 Ratio and CO2 Airborne Southern Ocean...- dataset NetCDF
2003 JPOLE/TELEX Raw Flight Data
The armored T-28 aircraft was flown by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). The data from these flights were collected by SDSMT under agreement with the...- dataset Archive
STEM Aerosol and Trace Gas 4D Model Forecast Products
This dataset contains daily chemical weather forecasts from the STEM regional chemical transport model provided by the Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research,...- dataset NetCDF
High Rate (HRT - 25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV aircraft (Tail Number N677F) during the ASPIRE-TEST project. This dataset contains high rate...- dataset NetCDF
UK-C130 Aircraft Data
This dataset includes microfilm of aircraft data for the UK-C130 aircraft during Phases I, II, and III, as well as the Pre and After Phases during the Global Atmospheric...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
SPEC Learjet 35 Instrument Data
State and Cloud microphysics data collected on board the SPEC Learjet 35 during the Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment (SPICULE) campaign from 29 May through 25...- dataset Archive
NCAR CAM3 Dust Interaction Version
This dataset contains two types of files, daily netcdf gz files each containing a month of daily netcdf files and the monthly netcdf files. The daily netcdf .gz files are fairly...- dataset Archive NetCDF