Hansen and Lebedeff's Global Surface Temperature Analyses, monthly 1880-1987
This dataset contains monthly surface temperature analyses for 1880-1987 for eighty equal-area zones over the globe.- dataset ASCII
Daily 5-Degree Northern Hemisphere Time Series Tropospheric Analyses, continu...
The polar-stereographic grids in ds195.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds195.0/] were interpolated to create this dataset of 5-degree Northern Hemisphere latitude/longitude...- dataset Binary
ERA5 back extension 1950-1978 (Preliminary version)
PLEASE NOTE. It is advised to use ds633.0, ERA5 Reanalysis (0.25 Degree Latitude-Longitude Grid) [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds633-0/]. ECMWF has announced that the...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
JRA-55: Japanese 55-year Reanalysis, Monthly Means and Variances
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) conducted JRA-55, the second Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis project. It covers 55 years, extending back to 1958, coinciding with...- dataset GRIB
JRA-55: Japanese 55-year Reanalysis, Near Real-Time Data
Important Notice: Update of JRA-55 data will terminate at the end of January 2024. Please use Near Real-Time Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q)...- dataset GRIB
NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, April 1997 through J...
The Final (FNL) global tropospheric analyses archived here were produced by NCEP's Global Forecast System (GFS), which was run operationally at 12-hour intervals to make...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Global Observational Feedback Record Reports
DSS presents a comprehensive set of global, 3 hourly feedback record reports used in the ECMWF 45-year reanalysis (ERA-40) covering the period from September 1957 to August...- dataset Binary
German Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains outputs from two runs of a coupled atmosphere-ocean model at DKRZ in Hamburg. The runs were made in 1990 and they include a control run and an IPCC...- dataset GRIB
U.S.S.R. Northern Hemisphere Surface Temperature Analyses, Monthly 1891-1981
Analyses of Northern Hemisphere surface temperature received from the U.S.S.R. as part of an agreement on the exchange of climate data.- dataset Binary ASCII
A Selected Climatology of the Southern Hemisphere
A selected climatology of the Southern Hemisphere using the Navy Marine Atlas Series and monthly mean rawinsonde data from "CLIMATE TEMP" reports as published in NCC's "Monthly...- dataset Binary ASCII
GATE Global Upper Air and Surface Observations, June to September 1974
This dataset contains uncorrected teletype data that were collected during the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment in 1974.- dataset Binary
U.S. and Canada Monthly Surface Station Climatology
This subset of the World Monthly Surface Station Climatology [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds570.0/] contains monthly climatologies for U.S. and Canadian surface stations.- dataset Binary
NCAR CESM Global Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Output to Support WRF/MPAS Research
This dataset includes global bias-corrected climate model output data from version 1 of NCAR's Community Earth System Model (CESM1) that participated in phase 5 of the Coupled...- dataset Binary
A Quality-Controlled Dataset for Long-Term U.S. Snowfall Trends
NCDC's U.S. Cooperative Summary of Data (DSI3200) dataset was screened for stations with long continuous observations for use in assessing 20th-century U.S. snowfall trends. The...- dataset ASCII
NMC Global Tropospheric Analyses, daily from November 1972 to September 1974
Flattery's analysis scheme, using second version of Hough coefficients. MORE [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds080.0/docs/more.summary.html] Unless you have a special interest in...- dataset Binary
Global Ocean Surface Temperature Atlas (GOSTA), and Land Surface Atlas
GOSTAplus (Atlas 8) and the Blended Land Surface and SST Atlas were taked from the GOSTAplus CDROM received at NCAR February 1998. The period of record for these grids is...- dataset ASCII
NCAR Nested Regional Climate Model (NRCM)
This dataset contains climate model output data from the NCAR Nested Regional Climate Model (NRCM). The NRCM combines the strengths of the NCAR Weather Research and Forecasting...- dataset NetCDF
WATer and global CHange (WATCH) Forcing Data (WFD) - 20th Century
New global sub-daily meteorological forcing data are provided for use with land surface and hydrological-models. The data are derived from the ERA-40 reanalysis product via...- dataset NetCDF
JRA-55: Japanese 55-year Reanalysis, Daily and Monthly Climatologies, 1991-2020
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) conducted JRA-55, the second Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis project. It covers 55 years, extending back to 1958, coinciding with...- dataset GRIB
NMC DST II Data for GARP, 1974May-1976May
DSS obtained this data and/or extracted it from other datasets for the Global Atmospheric Research Project.- dataset Binary