Climatological Summary of Day WBAN Station Tapes
The National Meteorological Center assembled a quality-controlled set of summary of day data for 108 U.S. WBAN stations for the period 1948 to 1963. Daily mean temperatures were...- dataset Binary
URI Gulf Stream Crest Anatomy Hydrographic Survey - Fall 1988
92 CTD oceanographic stations were collected to describe the crest of a Gulf Stream meander during 1988- dataset ASCII
GFDL Monthly Mean Radiosonde Observation Data by Bram Oort.
Monthly mean sounding data at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z and 18Z for various stations in the global radiosonde network for May 1958 to December 1989.- dataset Binary
JRA-55C: The Japanese 55-year Reanalysis Using Conventional Data Only
As a subset of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) project, the Meteorological Research Institute of the Japan Meteorological Agency has conducted a global atmospheric...- dataset GRIB
End-of-Day Temperature and Precipitation for Long-Period U.S. and Canadian St...
Daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation amount are available for 497 U.S. and Canadian stations, which were extracted from other DSS datasets because of their...- dataset ASCII
Portable Automated Mesonet Observations
This dataset contains data from Portable Automated Mesonets from various meteorological experiments and for various periods between April 1977 and November 1982.- dataset Binary
U.S. Historical Climatology Network Daily Observations
This dataset contains daily observations of maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, snowfall, and snow depth for U.S. Historical Climatology Network observing stations...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD9724 Hourly Solar and Surface Observations, 1952-1976
This dataset, from the National Climatic Data Center, was designed to provide solar energy users with quality-controlled hourly solar information along with collateral...- dataset ASCII
Monthly Marine Air Temperature and Barometric Pressure, January 1946 to May 1978
These 5-degree grid cell data were derived from the Consolidated Data Set compiled by the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center. The cells cover mainly open water...- dataset NetCDF
Historical Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) Gridded Model Data
Historical Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) Gridded Model Data are obtained via the Unidata Internet Data Distribution System (IDD). Data includes gridded analyses and...- dataset GRIB
ERA-15 Model Resolution Global Surface Analysis
The 6-hourly global surface analysis at model resolution from ECMWF ERA-15 project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
U.S.A.F. ETAC TD9600 Surface Observations
Global surface observations from the U.S.A.F. for February 1967 to April 1967 and for August 1976.- dataset ASCII
Climate Model Products from the United Kingdom's Hadley Centre for Climate Pr...
This dataset contains climate model output products from the United Kingdom's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research (HCCPR). The model output consists of monthly...- dataset GRIB
Wave Data Observations from Canadian Buoys
Data from Canadian buoys through November 1998, data from two NOAA buoys now operated by Canada, and data from three Canadian waverider buoys.- dataset ASCII
AWS TD13 Global Surface Observations, daily 1901-1973
Global synoptic surface observations from the Air Weather Service for 1901-1973, called "Tape Deck 13" because it is the combination of multiple card decks (datasets),...- dataset Binary
ASEAN Climatic Atlas Project Data
The Malaysian Meteorological Service compiled observations from member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to produce this dataset for the ASEAN...- dataset Binary ASCII
Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia Daily and Monthly Surface Observations
Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia surface observations for 1951 to 1985.- dataset ASCII
Daily and Monthly Texas Surface Observations, 1898-1975
Daily and monthly surface observations for Texas stations for January 1898 to December 1975.- dataset ASCII
Global Level IIb Upper Air and Surface Observations for FGGE
DSS obtained this data, after errors were corrected in the original data.- dataset Binary ASCII
GFDL Global Analyses for FGGE, SOP 1 and 2, 1978Dec-1979Nov
This dataset contains global analyses of tropospheric geopotential height, temperature, winds, relative humidity, and vertical motion from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics...- dataset Binary