USCGC Healy HLY-08-02 Ship Log - Navigation Information [US Coast Guard]
This dataset includes files of navigation data recorded by the US Coast Guard onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Excel
HLY-08-01 Benthic Station Data, v1
This dataset contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, benthic chlorophyll-a values (integrated water column chlorophyll-a, sediment chlorophyll-a), benthic...- dataset Excel ASCII
2008 Under-Ice CTD Measurements
A Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) (Seabird 19plus) was lowered through holes in the ice to measure under-ice hydrography (T, S, PAR, algal fluorescence). Data were...- dataset Archive
HLY-07-02 Elog Event Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy...- dataset Archive XML ASCII
HLY-07-01 SCS Underway Sensor Data [Sambrotto/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the Scientific Computing System (SCS) underway systems onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea...- dataset Archive
Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations and Stable Isotopes in...
This data set contains data on particulate organic nitrogen concentration and particulate organic carbon concentration as well as stable isotope ratios for carbon and nitrogen...- dataset Excel ASCII
TN250 Multibeam Data [Shull/UW]
This dataset includes data from the Multibeam Echo Sounder data system onboard the UNOLS R/V Thompson ship during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset Archive
USCGC Healy HLY-08-03 Ship Log - Weather Information [US Coast Guard]
This dataset includes files of weather data recorded by the US Coast Guard onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Excel
HLY-07-01 Pore Water Nutrient Data [Devol, A.]
This dataset contains the pore water nutrient data from the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP)...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from R/V Hakuho-Maru
This dataset consists sounding data from aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Hakuho-Maru. The R/V was operated by the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. The R/V was in...- dataset ASCII
HLY-09-01 Nutrient and oxygen isotope bottle data
This dataset contains rosette bottle data from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy 09-01 cruise in March 2009, including salinity, temperature, macronutrients and stable oxygen...- dataset Excel
HLY-07-02 SCS Underway Sensor Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the Scientific Computing System (SCS) underway systems onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy recorded during the 2007 HLY0702 cruise. The...- dataset Archive
HLY-08-03 Sediment Trap Fluxes of Th-234, POC, and PON in the Bering Sea
The data in the dataset corresponds to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the summer leg of the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset Excel ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from R/V Keifu Maru
This dataset consists of sounding data from aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Keifu-Maru which was operated by Japan. The R/V was in TOGA-COARE domain during the period from 3...- dataset ASCII
TN-249 Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 Distributions in the Eastern Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Th-U TN249.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
KN195-10 Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Krill
Seasonal relationships between total length, wet and dry weight, and carbon content are examined for euphausiids sampled throughout the summer of 2009. These data were collected...- dataset Excel
HLY-07-01 Forward Thermosalinograph Data [Sambrotto/LDEO]
This dataset includes binary data from the Forward Thermosalinograph onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset ASCII
HLY0601 Benthic Summary
This dataset contains measurements of benthic infauna at each station, parameters (abundance, biomass (g/m2), biomass (gC/m2), number of taxa) and the top ranked family/species...- dataset Excel PDF
USCGC Healy HLY-08-01 Ship Log - Weather Information [US Coast Guard]
This dataset includes files of weather data recorded by the US Coast Guard onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Excel
HLY-09-01 Aloftcon Camera Images [Cooper, L./LDEO]
This dataset includes images from the AloftCon web camera on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Image