NRL COAMPS 9km Coupled Invest Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS 9km Model invest forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include sea surface temperature/sea level pressure and surface...- dataset Image
R/V Discoverer Seawater and Chemistry Measurements
This dataset consists of continuous seawater and chemistry measurements taken aboard the R/V Discoverer by Jim Johnson and Tim Bates (NOAA/PMEL). These data consist of time,...- dataset ASCII
Tanner Banks Buoy Meteorological and Spectral Wave Data
The Tanner Banks Buoy Meteorological and Spectral Wave Data is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing...- dataset ASCII
R/V Mirai Microscale Profiler (TurboMAP) Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the data from the R/V Mirai TurboMAP (Turbulence Ocean Microstructure Acquisition Profiler) during its cruise in the Indian Ocean for DYNAMO. The data are...- dataset NetCDF
TRMM Three Day Composite Data
This dataset contains EPIC 2001 satellite TRMM data from 10 September to 24 October 2001.- dataset ASCII
USAF C-130 SFMR Data
This data set contains the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the United States Air Force (USAF) C-130 aircraft flights into the tropical systems of...- dataset Archive
Mexican CICESE R/V Francisco de Ulloa CTD Data
This dataset contains Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data for the NAME cruises of the CICESE Research Vessel (R/V) Francisco de Ulloa in the Gulf of California. The cruise...- dataset PDF ASCII
NOAA POES South American SST Anomaly Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains NOAA POES South American SST Anomaly Satellite imagery taken during the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen species and Oxygenated VOC...- dataset Image
UC Irvine 40-hz Probes - netCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft furing the "Physics of Stratocumuls Tops" (POST) project off the west coast...- dataset NetCDF
COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model Area 2 Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS adjoint forward model area 2 forecast imagery. The forecast products are available every six hours out to 72 hours. Products include...- dataset Image
HLY-02-03 CTD Data (MATLAB Format) [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data in MATLAB Format from the Summer 2002 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-03). These data...- dataset Matlab
R/V Roger Revelle Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) Data
This data set contains resistance and temperature profile data from 33 Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts from the second leg (29 September - 2 November 2011) and 36 casts...- dataset Matlab
Arctic EIS CTD Data
Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) profile data collected during a joint Arctic Ecosystem Integrated Survey (EIS) study between NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center and...- dataset ASCII
R/V Roger Revelle Flux, Near-Surface Meteorology, and Navigation Data: DYNAMO...
This data set contains the 10 minute surface meteorological data from the R/V Roger Revelle for its four cruises in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
R/V Southern Surveyor Hydrology Measurements
This dataset contains hydrology data measured from the Southern Surveyor during ACE-1.- dataset ASCII
Narrow Field of View (NFOV), AIMR, TMI, AVHRR Compilation Dataset
This data set is a compilation of 4 independent data sets acquired during the INDOEX Intensive Field Phase. Each data set has been averaged to a common time database...- dataset NetCDF
TRMM TMI Daily Data
The TRMM TMI Data is one of several satellite data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) as part of the Dynamics...- dataset Binary
SWL14 Bottle data
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2014....- dataset Excel
SWL13 Bottle data
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2013....- dataset Excel
Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) GTS XBT Data
This dataset contains GTS XBT data from the Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlantic...- dataset PDF ASCII