Tree Growth Plots from Fox River Sites [Lloyd, A.]
This dataset contains an image of tree growth plots from Fox River sites.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Tree Growth Plots from Grasshopper Hill Sites [Lloyd, A.]
This dataset contains an image of tree growth plots from Grasshopper Hill sites.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
High-Resolution Climate Simulations Over Alaska - A Community Dataset, Version 2
Weather and climate variability strongly influence the people, infrastructure and economy of Alaska. However, the sparse observational network in Alaska limits understanding of...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
ARTMIP Tier 1 Catalogues
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 1 developer catalogues. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by developer) submits a catalogue comprised...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
CESM2 Large Ensemble
The CESM2 Large Ensemble consists of 100 members at 1 degree spatial resolution covering the period 1850-2100 under CMIP6 historical and SSP370 future radiative forcing...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
High Resolution Historical and Future Simulations Over Hawaii
To better understand the rainfall climatology and its impacts on hydrological cycle over the Hawaiian Islands under historical and future climates, regional climate simulations...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) Climate Downscaling Output
These are climate-downscaling simulations over the East African Great Lakes region for the East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) project, using the Weather Research and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Ensemble Historical Gridded Daily Temperature and Bias Adjusted Precipitation...
Recently developed knowledge-based climatological interpolation and ensemble climatologically aided interpolation systems (Newman et al. 2019, 2020a) are used to develop gridded...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Preindustrial fully coupled CESM2.0.1 (B1850_c201_CTL) for atmospheric river ...
CESM version 2.0.1 (the original public-release version of CESM2, and scientifically identical to public version 2.1.0) was run on a nominal 1-degree finite-volume horizontal...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT