Canada Summary of Day, selected stations, 1840-1991
A later version of the set. Combined with ds516.0 [] to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
GTS, SEAS, keyed, VOSClim And GCC Marine Surface Data from NCDC and NOCS
Marine surface data (ship observation, moored buoys, etc) are segregated from the GTS data stream at NCDC. The GTS records are encoded into IMMA format and collected into...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
U.S.A.F. Radiosondes, Pibals, Aircraft, and Surface Observations, 1973-1980
The U.S. Air Force collated various upper air and surface data into a standard data format that they called "DATSAV". The observations cover the period from 1973 to 1980.- dataset ASCII
An Atlas Based on the 'COADS' Data Set: Fields of Mean Wind, Cloudiness and H...
Monthly global grids of data, derived fluxes, and anomalies were prepared from the COADS data.- dataset ASCII
NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis 8-day Forecast Products
This data set contains forecast products from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project. The resolution of the Reanalysis Forecast Model is T62 (209 km) with 28 vertical sigma levels....- dataset GRIB
FOSDIC Marine surface and upper air observations, 1854-1961
Marine surface and upper air observations recovered from microfilm copies of cards at NCDC. In the 1960s and 1970s, NCDC stored images of selected 80-character punched card...- dataset ASCII
Line Island Experiment Surface and Upper Air Observations, February to April ...
The Line Islands Experiment of 1967 produced extensive data on disturbances in the equatorial trough zone. DSS has some surface and upper-air data from this experiment for...- dataset Binary ASCII
NCEP ADP ETA / NAM Upper Air Observation Subsets
NCEP ADP ETA / NAM Upper Air Observation Subsets are composed of a regional synoptic set of upper air reports centered over North America, operationally collected by the...- dataset Binary
NCEP ADP Operational Global Surface Observations, February 1975 - February 2007
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic surface data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
Global Time Series Radiosonde Observations, daily from 1948
Sounding data collected from various areas of the world including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, India, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, and...- dataset Binary
Canadian MEDS West and East Coast Temperature and Salinity Observations
Time series of water temperature and salinity collected at various points on Canadian coasts.- dataset ASCII
Global (but spotty non-U.S.) Monthly Mean Radiosonde Observations, 1950-conti...
Upper air data from the Monthly Climatic Data for the World, obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).- dataset Binary ASCII
NCAR MMM 10-member, 3 km, experimental real-time ensemble prediction system
Since April 2015, NCAR's Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory, in collaboration with NCAR's Computational Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), has been...- dataset GRIB
Daily Rawinsondes from San Cristobal Island (Galapagos), December 1990-Decemb...
Daily rawinsonde data for San Cristobal Island (Galapagos) were keyed from the original hardcopy forms as part of NCDC's Climate Modernization Database Program and then sent to...- dataset Binary
University of Wisconsin Antarctica Surface Observations, monthly 1980-1989
This dataset contains summary of the month data for Antarctic surface stations for 1980 through October, 1991. Some of the variables provided include minimum and maximum air...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD9685 Global Surface Observations (from USAF DATSAV), hourly 1967-1980
Global surface observations for many stations in modified SYNOP format, primarily derived from USAF (ETAC) DATSAV...- dataset ASCII
NMC Global Upper Air and Surface Observations for GATE, 1974 June to September
Extracted from other data sources, in support of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE).- dataset ASCII
NCEP ADP Eta (NAM) Subset Surface Observations
NCEP ADP Eta (NAM) Subset Surface Observations are composed of a regional synoptic set of surface data reports centered over North America. These were operationally collected by...- dataset Binary
FPI Boulder
The following data pertains to the collected atmospheric wind data from HAO FPI Doppler remote sensing of nightglow emissions of OH (892 nm at 87 km) and O (557.7 nm at 97 km...- dataset ASCII
FPI Palmer
The following data pertains to the collected mesospheric and thermospheric wind data from HAO FPI Doppler remote sensing of nightglow emissions of OH (892 nm at 87 km) and O...- dataset ASCII